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Ok ok I love television violence but in the damn USA witch I am located in, censors every thing from langue to showing blood, but what the Funimation is forgetting about is that the Dragon Ball show is not really a children's cartoon show also. But they are just translating and and dubbing it just to make a buck.

yes I know also that what  Funimation is blocking kids from doing some thing I like shoot up there school or what ever,  but come on someone has be pretty messed up in the head to go kill 17 people. I don't think drawing over blood is the answer.

This will show you the things I have found not many yet but I will be adding more as soon as I can download more of the stupid Dubbed version of DBZ I only have the sub versions.


Just place the mouse over the picture, on some. 

The friendly Dubbed version they edit all the blood out even change the sky to make it look happier. 


Can you say Snip Snip this was taken out. but nudity is a different story but still all there showing is a woman's outline.....


Why was this not cut but blood on the forehead is?


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