The interview with
Akira Toriyama
Q: If you were ever to make a new Dragonball Series, who would be the hero
and why?
A: Mr. Satan "I would like to have the hero as Mr. Satan. I wonder what
it would possibly be like if I had Buu in a gag manga?"
Q: If you could any character a parent of a child, which one would you
A: For the parent, Bulma "She is really rich, is really smart and would
be good to handle on."
A: For the child, Dende "He can heal people that are hurt. But, since
he looks weird, he might be made fun of at school."
Q: Which character of the story would live the longest, and another the
A: For the longest, Kamesennin "He has lived for a very long time,
unusually. He is also probably the most happiest character."
A: For the shortest, Vegita "Mostly everyone dies, but his blood
pressure can get so high, it wouldn't take long for him to die."
Q: What character would you want to be, if you happen to be born again?
A: Trunks "I'd like to be Trunks. He has allot of toys, grew up in a
peaceful world, and is really strong and powerful. I'd like to be him most
of all."
Q: Who is the most __________?
A: Coolest - Goku "I think it is Goku. He is pure-hearted and really
nice. He is really the best kind of person in this kind of way!"
A: Most Gourmet - Satan "Mr. Satan would probably like to buy and eat
really expensive food. He probably thinks it's ok."
A: Shy - Piccolo "Nameks seem shy to me, I think."
A: Fashionable - Trunks "At first I thought it would be Bulma, but, as
an old lady, she wears really lame and old people stuff."
A: Crazy - Kamesennin "It has to be him. I mean, isn't obvious the way
he is a pervert all the time?"
Q: What building design do you like the most?
A (#1): Karin "I like Korin's home the most. It is balanced on a tall
pillar but, is also interesting. I sometimes wonder how human life can live
there. I like that place allot.
A (#2): Kami's Place "I like his place cause it floats in the air. I
like strange places that I can live in."
A (#3): The Tenkaichi Budoukai's Stage "I don't like this place the
most, but, it really does look nice."
Q: If you were going to go on a trip, where in the Dragon Ball world would
you go?
A (#1): Kami's Tower "It is really nice, isn't it. If I were going to
go there, I would want to take a tour and see what is inside more of the
A (#2): West City "I don't like that city at all, but, I would want to
go there just to see what it is like."
A (#3): Kaioshin-kai "This place would seem really nice to go and be
there. It seems very peaceful and quiet there too. I would probably like the
climate too."
Q: Where would you want to live?
A: Kame House "Shopping would be hard, but, if someone or something
could let me cross and let me travel, with no typhoons, and, if it were a
little larger, like the Capsule Corporation, then, I would want to move
there even more."
Q: Which Kamehameha was the best and who shot it?
A: Kamesennin's Kamehameha "I think it would really be Kamesennin,
because, he started the history and love of the kamehameha. I also think it
it was an effective kamehameha too. The way he shot it I mean."
Q: Which attack or ability would you like to do?
A (#1): Bukujutsu "I think it would feel great to fly around in the air
with no help. I'm sure it would feel great. Don't you think it would be
usful in your every day life?"
A (#2): Shunkanido ( "This might be good too. I would love to go
anywhere I wanted, just by thinking about it."
A(#3): Kamehameha "Kamehameha! I would love to go around and blow up
things and surprise people. But, the charges for damaging everything would
be a pain."
Q: What is your favorite attack or ability?
A (#1): Kamehameha "I really don't like it all that much, but, when you
think about it, the Kamehameha was shot and fired at just the right times?
But, I still like it the best. My wife gave me the name for it."
A (#2): Gotenks Buu Buu Volleyball "I like this one. It's a fun and
silly to look at."
A (#3): Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack "I like the ghosts in this one.
This was the first time I tried to come up with some different and silly
Q: What was your favorite battle?
A (#1): Son Goku vs. Piccolo Daimao "Probably Piccolo Daimao. This one
because, this is the first fight against someone who was truly evil."
A (#2): Gotenks vs Majin Buu "I think this was the first time in a long
time that I got to draw the way that I felt like at the time. I drew it a
little different than the mood of the series at the time."
Q: Which was the best Tenkaichi Budoukai fight to you?
A: Son Goku vs. Tienshinhan "When I think about it, this was the best
fight between Goku and Tienshinhan. It was the best because both of their
powers were the same."
Q: Which item would you want, if you could have any item in the Dragonball
A: Hoi poi Capsules "Capsules! I'd want capsules when I go out on
trips. I would want them if I couldn't find a parking spot. They would be
really nice. And since their weight changes, they would be real easy to
carry around. But, I wonder what would happen if you put something in a
capsule and then reduced its size again?"
Q: Which item's concept do you think "Wow, this this is
incredible" about?
A: Hoi poi Capsules "Is it the capsules, I wonder? It is the best thing
in the manga. Since It was a long adventure manga from the start, the
capsules would be good, unless you want to see everyone carrying luggage and
bags around. If anything was put into the capsules, and you needed to carry
a big item around, you could carry anything you want around."
Q: Which is your favorite Android?
A (#1): Cell's second form "Cell's second form. He's really cool. When
I told Mr. Kondo, the chief editor, that that was the form I wanted him to
be perfect on, he said, "He looks kind of stupid. Let's make him get
his perfect form soon." I really wanted to do more with this Cell
then I did before, but, I changed it."
A(#2): Android 18 "She looks so different then most women than I draw.
She has to be my second favorite."
A(#3): Androids 19 and 20 "I like these two Androids next. I was going
to try and make them the true enemies from the start. But, they were old
guys and I decided not to."
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