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A To the top.


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Battle Armor

There are many different kinds of this space like armor,The is the Main chest plate, Chest plate and shoulders, Chest plate shoulders thighs and groin to name a few. The Armor also ages in the Dragon Ball Z show, we see the early modles when Vegeta and Nappa comes to earth and later modles in the Dragon Ball Z movies. Vegeta prefers to wear armor in most of his battles although Gohan and Krillin have been known to wear this armor to along with Freeza, King cold and the Ginyu Force and many other villains and hench men, the armor enhances your abilities some what. Also one size fits all. 


These Blasters are used by the Hench men of the King Cold Family, they fire a small Ki blast for the person who cannot fire Ki himself/herself.

C To the top.

Capsule plane 339 

This is a huge plane more of a Cargo plane if anything. a  dome cock-pit area, 4 propeller engines able to easily fit a large Mail truck into it.   

Changeling Space ships.

These ships were used by King cold Freeza and Koola, They are a pretty big ships in a round buggish shape. Many windows rap around the shape.

Converted Scouter

It was Converted from Raditz's scouter that came to earth, thanks to Bulma it was converted from the Alien text to human text.

Cyborg implants

These implants are used to save and also enhance Freeza when he was almost killed by Goku. and also used on Android #17,#18 and #20 or Dr.Gero.

D To the top.

Dog Food

Eaten by Fat buu after being turned good.

Dragon Radar

The Dragon Radar is a some what small circular device that is used to detect Dragon Balls. It has a small button on top, when pushed it zooms in and out giving you a better idea of where the Dragon Ball is. There is a small yellow arrow that points to where the nearest Dragon Ball is.  

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H To the top.

Hoi Poi capsules

These are relatively small capsules often used by Bulma, you can fit almost anything in them, from large houses to a mini Refrigerators.

Hover cars

These "hover cars" are pretty common in the big cities in DBZ, nothing really to say about these cars but they have no wheels with a glass dome on top..

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K To the top.

Kintoun (Nimbus Cloud)

This is a magical cloud that was given to Goku in Dragon Ball by by Kamesennin, you must be of pure heart to ride the cloud or you will fall though, many people have ridden on it along with Goku.

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M To the top.

Magic Carpet

This Magic Carpet is used by Mr. Popo can fly at speeds of a hover car if not fast. it's just something that Mr. Popo uses to get around.

Magical stick

Goku has a Magical stick that he uses mostly in DB that can Stretch to unbelievable lengths.

Mighty Mouse

Yamcha's car, It's a Small two seater car, a Sspare wheel on the cars trunk rack.

N To the top.

Nimbus Cloud

See Kintoun.

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Q To the top.


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S To the top.


These are used to judge the power level of a life form, They were used up to until the freeza sage, after a cretin  power level they explode.

Space Suits

Made by the Capsule Corporation these space suits were used in the freeza sage mainly. They looks like the normal space suit but being orange.

T To the top.

Tapion's Sword

This sword was given to Trunks by Tapion, nothing really to tell about you might as well just watch movie 13 and see for yourself.

U To the top.


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W To the top.

Weighted Clothing

Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha and anyone else I might be missing wear this special type of clothing, when worn it strengthens your muscles and when taken off your speed and strengthen both greatly raise.

X To the top.


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Z To the top.



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