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Brace yourself this is a long list to read.

## Who Who  Winner Notes
1. Goku Fish Goku First battle of Dragon Ball  not much of one but it is.
2. Goku Pterodactyl Goku -
3. Goku Bear Thief Goku The bear thief is some weird guy in a bear costume.
4. Goku Oolong Goku There were a few battles in this fight with Oolong.
5. Goku Yamcha Yamcha -
6. Goku Yamcha Goku -
7. Chi-Chi T-Rex Chi-Chi Chi-Chi cuts off the T-rex's head!
8. Chi-Chi Yamcha Yamcha TKO Yamcha beats Chi-Chi with out a
9. Goku Henchmen Goku Henchmen of the boss rabit.
10. Goku Boss Rabbit Goku Boss rabbit has special powers making it
11. Yamcha, Bulma, Paur Oolong Oozaur Goku Yamcha, Bulma, Paur Oolong A crack of full light shine down from the clouds turning Goku Oozaur
12. Goku Seikan Goku  During Master Roshi training
13. Krillin Mountain Lion Krillin During Master Roshi training
14 Goku Krillin Goku Goku does win this fight but  Krillin wins one of Master Roshi's training tasks.
15. Goku Lunch Goku -
16. Goku Oootoko Goku First Tenkaichi Budoukai fight.
17. Krillin Oorinji Senbai Krillin One of the monks that use to make fun of Krillin and the reason for Krillin leaving the temple.
18. Goku Bokusa Goku Simple fight for Goku just a chuck out of the ring win.
19. Krillin Bear Man Krilin Bear man not to be confused with Bear thief.
20. Krillin Bacterium Krillin One challange of a fight, becouse of Bacterium's smell but Goku reminds Krillin that he has no nose.
21. Yamcha Jackie Chan Jackie Chan Easy win for Kamesennin err I mean Jackie Chan.
22. Lanfan Namu Namu This was a easy win for Namu but had trouble hitting a girl.
23. Goku Giran Goku Goku after having a long string of winning fights almost lost this one.
24. Krillin Jackie Chan Jackie Chan Close battle but Jackie Chan wins this one.
25. Goku Namu Goku Goku pulls out this battle but helps Namu in the end get water for his people.
26. Goku Jackie Chan Jackie Chan Jackie Chan beats Goku and reveals himself as Master Roshi.
27. Goku RR Henchmen Goku Red Ribbon Henchmen looking for the Dragonballs
28. Goku Cap' in Silver Goku Silver shoots at goku destorying his Nimbus Cloud and attemps to steal the Draonball but Goku reclaims it.
29. Goku RR Henchmen Goku Red Ribbon  Henchmen searching for the Dragon Balls
30. Goku RR Henchmen Goku Bunch of Red Ribbon
31. Goku RR Henchmen Goku Bunch of Red Ribbon henchmen
32. Goku Sgt. Metallic Goku Goku finishes him off with one Kamehameha
33. Goku Murasaki Goku -
34. Goku Byron Goku -
35. Goku Gen. White Goku -
37. Goku Machi Budouka Goku Not really a fight but a challange.
38. Goku Machi Gumi Goku Some robber that goku gets rid of in a hurry
39. Goku RR Henchmen Goku Red Ribbon  Henchmen searching for the Dragon Balls
40. Kamesennin RR Henchmen Master Roshi Red Ribbon  Henchmen searching for the Dragon Balls
41. Goku Robot Goku The robot turns out to be some type of pirate but is taken out to the clearers any way.
42. Goku Octopus Goku -
43. Krillin Blue Shogun Blue Shogun Krillin is put under a paralyze attack and is beaten.
44. Goku Blue Shogun Goku Goku is also put under but Blue loses his concentration then beaten by Goku
45. Blue Shogun Arale Arale -
46. Bora Col. Yellow Bora Bora takes out Col. Yellow and his army quickly to protect his land
47. Goku Col. Yellow Goku Goku kills Col. Yellow in his plane.
48. Blue Shogun Tao-Pai-Pai Tao-Pai-Pai Red commander has Tao-Pai-Pai fight blue with his tong and he wins.
49. Bora Tao-Pai-Pai Tao-Pai-Pai Tao-Pai-Pai kills Bora with his spear.
50. Goku Tao-Pai-Pai Tao-Pai-Pai Tao-Pai-Pai takes Goku out with on blast.
51. Goku Tao-Pai-Pai Goku Rematch time, Goku has been training at Karin Tower and makes simple work of Tao-Pai-Pai.
52. Goku RR Henchmen Goku In a search for the Dragon Balls Goku attacks the Red Ribbon HQ.
53. Goku Advisor Black Goku Black uses a thing called the Black Jacket a EXO suit but still gets whipped.
54. Krillin Dracula Man Dracula Man -
55. Yamcha Invisible man Yamcha With the ingenious idea of Krillin Yamcha was able to beat the nvisible man
56. Yamcha Mummy Mummy Mummy is just way to strong for Yamcha so he gives up.
57. Goku Mummy Goku A one punch knock out for Goku.
58. Goku Akkuman Goku -
59. Goku Grampa Gohan Goku You got to watch this fight to really understand it.
60. Goku Pilaf Goku Simple fight nothing to tell home about.
61. Yamcha Mohichan Yamcha First Tenkaichi Budoukai match up.
62. Krillin Oootoko Krillin Back from the fight Ootoko had with Goku.
63. Tenshinhan Sumou Tori Tien Easy match for Tenshinhan
64. Goku King chapa Goku King Chapa is very strong but Goku pulls out the win.
65. Jackie Chan Bear Man Jackie Chan TKO for Jackie Chan
66. Yamcha Tenshinhan Tenshinhan Even match but with a simple push Tenshinhan won.
67. Jackie Chan Wolf Man Jackie Chan -
68. Krillin Chaozu Krillin Even match up but Krillin proves himself as a good fighter and a smart one at that.
69. Goku Panputto Goku -
70. Jackie Chan Tenshinhan Tenshinhan Jackie Chan steps out of the ring to have Tenshinhan and Goku fight.
71. Goku Krillin Goku A fun match to watch between the best of friends but Goku comes out the winner.
72. Goku Tenshinhan Tenshinhan A even fight but unfair rules for the last match. also was the last match of the Tenkaichi Budoukai.
73. Kamesennin Tsurusennin Kamesennin Classic match of Good vs Evil. and good always win atleast we like to think so.
74. Goku Tanbarin Tanbarin This battle was becouse of Tanbarin killing Krillin. But Goku gets a beaten to near death.
75. Goku Yaji-Robe Draw Goku eats Yaji-Robe's fish and Goku thinks Yaji-Robe is the monster that killed krillin.
76. Yaji-Robe Cymbol Yaji-Robe Cymbol is looking for the Dragon Balls but Yaji-Robe puts a quick end to that with one slice of his sword.
77. Tanbarin Giran Tanbarin Piccolo Daimo ordered that all of the Tenkaichi Budoukai participants from the last ten years be killed
78. Goku Tanbarin Goku Goku finishes him off with a singel Kamehameha.
79. Goku Piccolo Daimo Piccolo Daimo Piccolo Daimo Nearly kills Goku and is surprised of Goku's power.
80. Kamesennin Piccolo Daimo Piccolo Daimo Kamesennin attempts to use the Mafuuba to seal Piccolo but misses and drains him of life and kills him.
81. Tenshinhan Drum Drum Even fight but Drum is ordered to kill Tenshinhan but then is saved by Goku at the knick of time.
82. Goku Drum Goku Goku Takes drum of the picture quickly.
83. Goku  Piccolo Daimo Goku  Goku wins the fight in a picture perfect punch though the chest of Piccolo.
84. Goku Mr. Popo Mr. Popo To meet Kami Goku has to beat but fails in doing so but is let in any way.
85. Goko King Chapa Goku First match in the Tenkaichi Budoukai
86. Tao- Pai- Pai Chaozu Tao- Pai-Pai Tao- Pai-Pai kills Chaozu and brings out the rage in Tenshinhan.
87. Yaji-Robe Shien Shien Shien is really Kami in his Human Form.
88. Tenshinhan Tao- Pai- Pai Tenshinhan  Tenshinhan does win the fight any way butTao- Pai- Pai was disqualified for using a weapon early in the match.
89. Goku Chi-Chi Goku Goku Does not remember who Chi-Chi is and the only way she would tell him was to bet her.
90. Krillin Piccolo Piccolo A fair fight but Piccolo turns out the winner.
91. Yamcha Shien Shien Yamcha gets a whooping but Shien tells Yamcha what he is doing wrong throughout the match.
92. Goku Tenshinhan Goku -
93. Piccolo Shien Piccolo Shien atemps the Mafuuba on piccolo but fails.
94. Goku Piccolo Goku Championship fight Goku does not defeat Piccolo in anyway but does knock him out of the ring.
And that's the last major fight of Dragon Ball.

Please do not copy this took me a very long time to watch all my Dragonball Collection.

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