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Walkthrough© Noname DBZ

Welcome to Noname DBZ's Legend Of The Super Saiyan Walkthrough.

This document is copyright by US and Canadian copyright laws. This Walkthrough is for personal use only. This Walkthrough may not be reprinted or reproduced, in part or in whole, in any form, including, but not limited to, electronic transmission and magazine publication, unless prior consent is given by the author. This Walkthrough may not be sold to anybody, commercial or otherwise. Referencing or altering of this Walkthrough is expressly forbidden.


1. Breakdown

2. Controls

3. Characters

4. Attacks

5. Items/Cards

6. Walkthrough

7. Charts

8. Secrets



1. Breakdown Legend Of The Super Saiyan is the basic story of Goku and the Z-warriors taking you from the Saiyan Sage to the end of the Freeza Sage. It is a very fine game to play, It does take awhile to learn and play if you do not have a English ROM of the game or do not know how to read Japanese.

3.  Characters

Name Goku
Attacks Syougekiha, Kikou Ha, Solar Flare, Kamehameha, Kaio-Ken, Genki-Dama

Goku is your star of Legend Of The Super Saiyan also the strongest of your group most of the time. With his Kaio-Ken attack he can double his Battle Power making him your top pick for your Ki cards. The only downfall to Goku is not even his own fault it's that you do not get to use him much.


Name Piccolo
Attacks  Makouhou, Demon Ray

Piccolo being your 2nd Strongest character in the game is always a good group member to use a Guru Card or Ki card on. With his strong Battle Power and awesome Demon Ray attack there is no wonder why he is rare much like Goku to use in the game.


Name Gohan
Attacks  Kikou Ha, Masenko

Gohan is your main member that you use and the game is based around. If you lose him at anytime in the game you will lose. With his Masenko attack much like the Kamehameha attack it is very strong yet does miss a lot. Gohan is your 4th strongest character in the game use him well and keep his Health Points high


Name Vegeta
Attacks  Syougekiha, Kikou Ha, Bakuhatsuha, Energy Disc, Final Flash

Vegeta your 3rd strongest character you get to use him for most of the Freeza sage, but he is a loose cannon does what he wants he will not always attack when you tell him to. He does have some of the best Ki attacks in the game but that does not help him in the lack of listening to you. He does double attacks sometimes and will chase enemy's when they run sometimes. On double attacks he will fire Ki attacks sometimes but they are the weak ones of the time like Syougekiha and Bakuhatsuha.


Name Krillin
Attacks  Kakusan, Solar Flare, Kamehameha, Kien-zan

 Krillin is not the Strongest character in the game but early in the game he is just as strong if not stronger then Gohan he ranks 5th in the Battle Power of your group. But if he is well leveled up with his Kakusan attack he can take out a whole group of mobs.


Name Tien
Attacks  Kikou Ha, Solar Flare, Kikouhou, Split Form

Tien being almost the same Battle power of Krillin is ok in the early half of the game. with his nice Kikouhou attack he can do some damage if well leveled early in the game. If your careless you can lose your Human members of your group.


Name Yamcha
Attacks KameHameHa, Sprite Bomb

Well... Yamcha is blah.... please note that Yamcha's Sprite Bomb is not the same to Goku's  Genki-Dama, it's just a lame Dubbed error. With his Kamehameha attack he can do some damage along with his Sprite bomb. If well leveled he can do some damage on mobs but that's pretty much it.


Name Chaozu
Attacks Dodonpa, Super Skill, Psycho attack

Chaozu is ok if you want a punching bag. Chaozu plays a good role in the show but he kind of sucks in the game being you worst regular group member. if well leveled he can do some damage on mobs. He does have pretty cool Ki attacks though.


Name Nail
Attacks Kikou Ha

Nail is pretty strong when you get him first but that's as strong as he gets. With a Battle Power of 42k when you first get him he rocks. But when you have to battle Freeza with him he sucks with Freeza having a Battle Power of over 500k. Nail later fuses with Piccolo giving piccolo a quick power up.


Name Tsumuri
Attacks Kikou Ha

Just a weakling Namek he joins you for a bit then later can fuse with Piccolo.


Name Mai-ma
Attacks Kikou Ha

Just a weakling Namek he joins you for a bit then later can fuse with Piccolo.


Name Dende
Attacks Heal

Dende is very useful he can heal your Z-warriors once every battle round. you can save him or just let him fuse with Piccolo.


Name Captain Ginyu
Attacks Kikou Ha, Change Body's

This is a special character you are able to get him in the fight vs. Ginyu. you have to let Goku lose the fight with Ginyu so that Ginyu is still in his first body. When you get him low on HP he will do a Body change try to fight him when he is low with someone that you don't like, like Chaozu. This will only change his look and attacks. Not his EXP gain or Speed in anyway.


4. Attacks Info

These are all of your group members attacks, they are in ordered from the KI needed to perform the attack


Name Ki needed Who can use Info
Heal 0 Dende Heals any member in your group per battle round.
Syougekiha 2 Goku, Vegeta A weak Ki attack not even worth using a Ki card on.
Makouhou 4 Piccolo Piccolo's version of the Kikou Ha.
Kikou Ha 4 Basically everyone Kikou Ha is a basic Ki attack the greater number of the Dragon balls on the Ki card the different type of Ki blast it is.
Solar Flare 6 Krillin, Goku, Tien Very useful attack. It reflects light blinding there enemy and blocking there attacks for 2 rounds.
Super Skill 6 Chaozu Confuses the opponent
Kakusan 8 Krillin A awesome attack done by only Krillin it starts out one huge Ki attack then splits into as many enemies there are and most of the time hits them all.
Dodonpa 8 Chaozu Fires a small finger beam.
Bakuhatsuha 8 Vegeta A hit all attack. sounds better then it really is.
Kamehameha 8 Goku, Krillin, Yamcha Kamehameha is taught to anyone who has been trained under Kamesennin
Genki-Dama 10 Goku A good attack that is charged, longer you hold it per round the greater the damage.
Demon Ray 10 Piccolo Piccolo's strongest attack and the attack that kills Raditz with one dead on hit. it's a long beam with a ring wrapping around it.
Kaio-Ken 10 Goku Kaio-Ken is one of the best Ki moves doubling your Battle power it's ashamed Goku only has it.
Kien-zan 12 Krillin Kien-zan being a very powerful attack even being used by a weak character.
Energy Disc 12 Vegeta A lame copy of Krillin's Kien-zan.
Sprite Bomb 12 Yamcha A alright attack. Nothing more nothing less.
Masenko 15 Gohan Masenko is pretty much Gohan's version of the Kamehameha
Change Body 15 Anybody who is in Ginyu's body. Great attack, you are able to change it with anyone you want even Freeza! but you will lose there body when the round is over.
Split Form 15 Tien Tien splits himself into 4 then fires a beam out of each.
Psycho attack  16 Chaozu Grabs an opponent and discharges energy. It's a ok attack considering it's done by
Final Flash 20 Vegeta Vegeta's best attack. a Charge then fires a reddish attack almost like Gohan's Masenko
Kikouhou 20 Tien Tien's only worth wild attack. where he turns his hands into a triangle and fires 


5. Items/Cards.

Healing/Restoring items/cards

Name Effect Price
HP Cards
Bulma Heals 25 HP. 3
Kamesennin Heals 50 HP. 6
KI cards
Puar Restores 10 KI. 4
Mr. Popo Restores all KI. 10
HP and KI
Senpyou Restores all HP and KI 20
ShenLong Restores all HP and KI to everyone. 60


Card Changing Items/Cards.


Name Effect Price
Oolong Changes all Cards  4
Kame Evens out offence and Defense cards. 6
Chi-Chi Changes any card to a Ki card. 12
Enma Daiou Changes Offence to (Z). 15
Uranai Baba Changes Defense to (Z). 15
Piccolo Changes enemy card to a weak one. 20
Goku Changes Defense and  Defense to (Z). 40


Character effect items/cards.


Name Effect Price
Lunch  Makes all cards special to character.  10
King Kaio Raises Battle power by 25% 20
Guru Raises Battle power by 50% 40


Useful items/cards.


Name Effect Price
Dragon Radar Tracks the Dragon Balls. 0
Moon-Tail Raises Battle power by 10% on Gohan. 0
Vegeta Calls Vegeta into battle for one battle.  20
Grandpa Gohan Stuns enemy for 2 rounds. 20
 Red Scouter Shows enemies Battle power HP,  KI and card up to 299,999 Battle power. Up to 5 rounds. 20
Crying Gohan Use on Raditz battle. 50
Porunga Grants 3 wishes. 1. Takes half HP on enemy 2. Turns all cards to Ki cards 3. levels someone up by 1. 160


Other items/cards.

Name Effect Price
Dragon Balls Collect all 7 and make a wish. 0
Namekian Toad To be used on Yaji-robe to give you his card on earth not for Ginyu battle. 0
Green Scouter Shows enemies Battle power HP,  KI and card up to 24,000 battle power. Up to 3 rounds. 10
Bubbles Sprays bug spray on you, no attacks for a short while besides bosses 10
Escape Fly's you to the door of a cave or to the nearest Regeneration tank. 15
Yaji-robe Attacks enemy. Weak attack. 20



Part one of Earth

You start out on a small island called Kame's Island go into the house talk to Bulma, Krillin and Kame. You will get your first few items. Most important thing to do now that you got the things you need is to fly North west a bit till you see land and when you see land go south till you reach the bottom of the land to the tail of it. There should be a Regen. House there go battle till level to your max then fly north once your at max your should go north to a small house surrounded by  rocks/cliffs then enter the house once leveled to the max. Once you enter you will see a small black man, his name is Mr. popo and he needs your help if you Max leveled you can go to at that point the battle should be a quick TKO. You exit the house and you start the battle with the 4 Saibamen men, just hit auto unless you have a KI card then do it yourself because you will then the KI cards for next battle. When you beat the 4 Saibamen you will enter the house and will talk to Mr. Popo he will give you a card that you need to beat Raditz. If you are Maxed level you will auto battle Raditz.

Battle with Raditz

Name Raditz
HP 200
BP 1,500

Raditz is Goku's Brother sent to earth to see the progress of Goku's world domination of Earth. When Raditz gets to earth and see the World not taken over Raditz Kidnaps Gohan Goku's son and orders Goku to kill 100 people. 

This is not a hard battle if you did what I said. First use your Crying Gohan card in items right away if you have a Ki card in your cards, If not wait till you get one. Battling Raditz is useless unless Goku is holding onto Raditz with the Crying Gohan card. Once you get a Ki card use the Crying Gohan item. Now when Goku is holding onto Raditz use Piccolo's Demon Ray attack killing Goku and Raditz. The is no other way.


Part two of earth

Raditz once killed says there are 2 other stronger Saiyan's coming to earth. Once that's said Piccolo takes Gohan off to train and the others go off to train as well. And Goku is training in heaven. When battling with Piccolo the battle depends on how strong Piccolo was when you finished killing Raditz it's not a very long battle just keep on doing it, don't worry about dying just go heal your self with the pond down below just use a few Ki cards should do it.

Goku training in heaven

This is not hard. your not really doing anything just like a normal battle if you hit the plant you will land on your feet if not you will fall and lose some HP longer you train more Exp you will gain warning you can die doing this. battle with King Ki is not hard to with your new attacks do Kaio-Ken then just kick king ki's ass and Kamehameha.

Searching for the other Z-Warriors

This can be hard. Search round below you down to the sea and collect all the other Z-warriors who are you looking for you may ask? Krilin, Yamcha, Tien and chazou. If you do not do it quick enough they will go and battle Nappa and Vegeta themselves, This means a auto kill of your Friends. Once you get them all go around do not land near Vegeta or Nappa go into houses talk to Paur and Oolong and buy some cards if you feel you need them. Always Level to your max on earth may take some time but well worth it.


 Battle with Nappa and Vegeta

Name Nappa
HP 220
BP 4,000

Nappa is a big bald Saiyan. He is very strong unless you have Goku. Nappa is Vegeta's partner and in the TV show he kills Piccolo, Tien and Chazou.

The battle with these two can be hard if you don't get Goku right away. Nappa if you have Goku should be a snap just use Kaio-Ken and a Kamehameha that should Kill him. You will lose Piccolo automatically because Piccolo saves Gohan in the show. now if you don't get  Goku you  should just save your Grandpa Gohan card untill you have a few strong Ki cards. Once you do that use Piccolo's Demon ray and if you have another card use Tien's or Krillin's strongest attack ( The one that takes up the most Ki that you can spare) and that should finish him off then if not just plain battle him till you get another Ki card then finish it.

Name Vegeta
HP 240
BP 18,000

Vegeta is a princes of the Saiyan's sent to earth to kill Goku and his friends he is very evil on earth but later becomes a Z-warrior. 

Vegeta battle is hard. But you do get Goku if you did not have get him last round. Goku should be able to beat Vegeta with your group. But longer it takes you to kill him the greater the chance that he will turn into a Oozura if that happens you use Moon-Tail card and Yaji-Rode card if you have them. Then use a Ki card on Goku and pick Kaio-Ken then finish him. You should try to kill Vegeta as soon as you can with your Ki cards if not the battle becomes that much harder.

Namek here we come: Namek part one

1) Gohan and whoever has not died besides Goku at the end of the battle with Vegeta will now join Gohan on his quest to find the Dragon Ballz to wish Piccolo and the others back to life. Once on Namek Level up to at least 10,000 before doing anything like going into caves. Just battle awhile till you get 10k with Gohan and Krillin. once you get around 10k go North East from where you are and you will see a bunch of dead Nameks land near them and go north you will see a clip pretty much from Dragon Ball Z but instead of Krillin Flying over and saving Dende (the small namek child) it will be Gohan. 

2)Dodoria(Fat pink thing) will chase Gohan and fire Ki blasts at you. If you manage to get away you Will get a Guru card it's a must have kind of card it will raise your Battle Power 50% fold from what you have now, for only one battle though. 

3)Now that you are safe from Dodoria go heal and Train a bit if you wish or are not at 10k. Now that your at 10k and or higher turn on the Dragon Radar and head north to the northern Dragon Ball. You will come upon 2 Nameks talk to them Because you saved Dende they will be happy to give you there Dragon Ball and Come with you on search, They are pretty weak but a fighter is a fighter and very useful if you did not have anyone left after the battle besides Gohan and don't let the two Nameks die, you will need them for later.

Search for the Dragon Balls

1) Now turn on your Dragon Radar again and search for the next Dragon Ball once you get to where the Radar is look around for a cave witch the Dragon Ball is located in. If you noticed a village on your way to the cave go back the village a search all the houses if I am right you will find one house with 4 pots or so on the Ground search them all and you will find another young namek named Cargo you will need him for later. Now go back to the cave and enter

2) This cave is pretty big and a lot of enemies to fight if you did what I said awhile ago this should be very easy now just rush though the cave pick up the items in the red and white capsules. once you get to the end part of the cave you will have to go up. There is a large rock that rushes down the path way so go up one then go to the side once you get to the north of the cave on the east side you will find the Dragon Ball. Now that you have it and you are at least 10k-15k exit the cave though the north.


Battle with Kewie for the Dragon Ball

Name Kewie
HP 220
BP 18,000

A strong henchmen of Freeza. 

Have you been itching for a boss battle like I have??? =). This should be Easy if you did what I said and are around 10k+ this is like fighting Vegeta again. Just battle him should not be all that hard. But do not use Vegeta card for this battle it would be a waste.


3) Oh, no! Bulma needs your help and you better go and help her. Make your way back to your ship then guess what when you get there? Dodoria that fat bastard who you thought you left behind found your ship and blew it up. Well now he's just begging for a beating huh?


Battle with Dodoria 

Name Dodoria
HP 220
BP 22,000

Dodoria is Freeza's left hand man and will do what it takes to do what he's gotta do to do what it takes.

Now that your ship is gone you can't leave namek........ well might as well take out your anger on the man who blew your ship up. This battle can be hard if you saved your Guru card and Vegeta Card it's time to use them. Use the Guru card on your Strongest Group member or Vegeta. He is not that much stronger then Kewie but this will be your last chance to use your Vegeta card before he joins your Group so might as well use it. Now with a Strong Vegeta and a Pumped up Group member this battle should go pretty quick now if this is your first time using Vegeta you go to know one thing he does not listen to you all the time more like 70% of the time. Just use Vegeta Final Flash or Krillin's/Tien's Distrcuto Disc/Kikouhou or whatever you can spare in Ki and he should be beaten.

4) Now with the fat bastard dead Gohan takes Bulma to a safer place so she can set up shop.


Bigger threat: Namek part two

1) Now that Dodoria is dead Goku is already to go to Namek but by now you are stronger then Goku himself so you know what that means? Training time you are in the Capsule Corp.  space ship on your way to namek you have to train Goku.  There are many settings to train under 50X 90X and so on the higher the X is the better then EXP gained so.. a good setting is 50x the normal gravity remember to keep a eye on your health and not train to high to fast.

2) Now that you trained Goku half way that you need to train him to you gotta Train Piccolo Yes Piccolo made the way on snake way to King Ki's it's just like Goku's training but when your done the training you do not get to face King Ki you face Nappa and Raditz but they are a push over now.

3) You are now Gohan again yay. You drop off Bulma and guess what bad news... you lose you two namek friends Tsumuri, Mai-ma and enemies are now around 10k per enemy, great huh so unless you did what I said you might not be so well off. sooo... turn on the Dragon Radar and search for the next Dragon Ball you will come upon  a cave enter run run in it get all of the items on the far east side of the cave you will come upon a greenish pond talk to the fairy now if you have a escape card now's the time to use it. Ok so now your out go south a bit and you will find another cave enter it and go into every room you see and talk to the holes/ look in the holes they are like switches you need to turn on now use another escape card when you are sure you have done every room exit the cave go back to the other then go to the pond again and talk again to the fairy the fairy will open the door now that you it's open go explore that new cave area fun huh?

4) Now that the cave is open keep going west till you find a room it should be a bit north west then south along the side. Enter the room and you will find Nail and a Nail Clone. He is training with it.  Go help him win the battle it should be pretty easy because Nail is 42k BP nail alone is a match for the clone. After that he will join you and take you to Guru kind but you got to do it so he's just protecting ya. A bit south east you will fight a Dodoria  clone he's not very strong but he does put up somewhat of a fight. but does not last long.... so make your way out of the cave just go as far east you can then north be sure to level up as much as you can in there and get the items.

5) Now when you exit out of the cave the enemies are pretty strong so go for the house at the top of the hill it's Guru's house when you enter check each pot one of them will fly you up to the top level of the house. There you will ask Guru for his Dragon Ball and because you are not evil he gives you it and unlocks your hidden powers what pushes up your levels by 3.

6) Exit the house then continue to the cave then exit the cave blah go to go though it all over again........

7) now that you exit the cave but guess what? Vegeta comes to take your Dragon Balls but then Zarbon comes looking for some action so Vegeta joins you.


Battle with Zarbon

Name Zarbon
HP 220
BP 23,000

Zarbon is Freeza's right hand man. With his Transformation makes him a very powerful force.

Form 1 Zarbon should not be that hard because he is only 1,000 stronger then Dodoria but do save your Ki cards for form one just do some plain attacks on him if your at least 25-30k if your not near 25k your are going to get your ass kicked.

Name Zarbon
HP 230
BP 32,000

Same thing but stronger.

Form 2 Zarbon now is much stronger use your Ki cards now use Krillin's Distrcuto Disc and if you have one make it a high Ki card so he throws 4 Distrcuto Disc's that should if Krillin is well leveled takes some major damage from Zarbon do not spend Ki cards on Vegeta he never listens just battle for a bit if your around 30k you should be alright.

8) Now that Freeza's main Henchmen are gone it's almost time to face Freeza himself. Vegeta is now a part of your group he has the highest BP but that does not help much for his lack of discipline he never listens when you need him to. So it's now time to finish Goku's trip to Namek and his training, So just do what you did before and finish his training you should get him to at least 100k.

Ginyu Force

1) Now you have all the Dragon Balls and you are about to summon the Dragon but Cap' in Ginyu and his force show up by Freeza's request and takes your Dragon Balls no! Now it's time to take your anger out but you do not want to face Ginyu right now he is very very strong so start at the bottom of the chain and kick Recoom's and Gildo's ass so that means BATTLE TIME.


Gildo and Recoom


Name Gildo
HP 300
BP 13,000

Gildo is the smallest of the Ginyu Force he is a pretty strong fighter but is later killed by Vegeta.

Gildo is a real weakling just use one Ki card on him, almost all Ki shots will hit him.

Name Recoom
HP 360
BP 65,000

Pretty much the tallest member of the Ginyu Force takes on Krillin, Gohan and Vegeta all at once and if it were not for Goku they might have been killed but Vegeta later Kills Recoom after Goku knocks him out in a dishonorable way.

Recoom unless you are really leveled you will get your ass kicked he is 65k and you need to be at least 50k to hurt him and his attacks almost always hits you even at a well level stage. Best hope for beating him is to just slowly battle him down and have plenty of heal cards.

2) now if you some how defeated Recoom you will have to fight two other people who are much stronger but you only have to kill one. So to the North East you will find a shop buy what you need for the next battle and if you not at least by 50k now you should level up because these next two are much stronger.


Battle with Jace and Bata

Name Jace
HP 320
BP 74,000

a mildly tall Red man with White hair and the 2nd Strongest member of the Ginyu Force.

These two are strong but there are two ways to do this. Kill the Stronger one and save yourself the time of fighting someone strong. Or kill the weaker one just so you can go and level and heal and get better items. Just do it quick they have a good Combo attack.

Name Bata
HP 300
BP 72,000

The 2nd Tallest member of the Ginyu Force if not the tallest.


3) once you kill one of them does not matter witch the other will fly off to go warn Ginyu. Now you will be able to buy more Guru Cards so go do that and get some Chi-Chi cards and if you got the money get a scouter. Ok now use one or two of them on your cards now so Goku gets to use them but in the next battle you won't be able to use Items so do that then head for Freeza's ship it's in the North East from where you are.

4) As soon as you reach the other two members of the Ginyu force Goku will land on namek and come to help you.


Battle With Ginyu Part 1

Name Ginyu
HP 400
BP 120,000,000

Cap' in of the Ginyu force it is not know if Ginyu's body is his real body or did he switch it.

Now that you have Goku at his advanced level this should be pretty easy but the outcome is bad here's the breakdown if you Kill Ginyu he will switch bodies what will make him 33K if you do not he will be at 120k but you will be able to get him on your team if you wish to know how go to this sites FAQ for this game. Ok so Goku should be around 100k if you did what I said you should now have one or two Ki cards in your selection so use Goku's Kaio-Ken then Kamehameha and that should kill him with only two attacks. 

5) this battle depends on 2 factors What member you did not kill of the Ginyu Force 2 boss battles before and If you beat Cap' in Ginyu or not.


Battle With Ginyu Part 2


Name Ginyu
HP 400
BP 120,000,000 - 33,000

Cap' in of the Ginyu force it is not know if Ginyu's body is his real body or did he switch it.

If you did not beat Ginyu this can be hard but just whack him out like all the others use Ki cards use Grandpa Gohan cards and Guru cards and you should win. If it's in Goku's body this should be very easy just beat this shit out of him.


Name Ginyu Force member
HP 300-320
BP 72,000-74,000

Whatever member you did not kill

This can be hard or not depending if you have Cap' in Ginyu in Goku's body or not if he is in Goku's body work on him with your Ki cards because he is the strongest if Ginyu is in his body then just wait to kill This member.

Freeza Part one

1) You have now dismantled the Ginyu Force good for you the hardest part is just starting though. Turn on your Dragon Radar and Follow the yellow dot till you get to the cave which holds the last Dragon Ball enter the cave and if your team is not around 40k each then you better train and level till you can't level no more pretty much because in this cave you will face the fake freeza. He is not what you would call a boss but you should still use caution. Ok do a quick T.K.O. then collect the Dragon Balls.

2) You will see a small clip of where Gohan and the rest will be trying to summon the Dragon but they don't have the password so the Guru will send Dende to go him them it.

3) The next battle will be Nail vs. Freeze. If you have a Guru card to spare it's time to use it and a Grandpa Gohan card if you have on. Try to damage Freeza all you can it's not like your going to kill him or anything else but you will need him to Damage him all you can to get the special Porunga or Moon/Tail card that is well worth the spending of the Guru and Gohan card on a useless battle.

4) Now it's time to wish back whoever you have lost up to this point of your group. If you did manage to hurt Freeza you will get to choose between two cards. Porunga or Moon/Tail card Moon/Tail can be very useful but just pick the Porunga card.

5) Here's the big battle coming up now fly to the Guru's building it won't be to hard now because there is no cave just fly to the area and the wall that was once there is now gone.


Battle with Freeza part one

Name Freeza
HP Unknown
BP Unknown

The once Strongest Warrior in the universe.

This can be a hard battle but don't worry if you did what I said and you are around 100k each this should be ok.  Just do a normal battle and you should finish this pretty quickly. Just Grandpa Gohan him then use your Ki cards on his ass. And if you feel your still short of your power level goal for Vegeta or Gohan just use the Porunga card. Pick The Level up.


6) Now if your Group is Strong take Piccolo and find Nail and give Piccolo a quick level up jump and fuse with Nail. But if your weak and you feel you won't be able to beat Freeza right now then take Piccolo right to the battle but I suggest you take Piccolo to Nail. 

7) Just battle till Piccolo comes then you should be able to kill Freeza in this form. Now Freeza should change his form then run away.

8) Now if you did really get your ass kicked in the last battle you better go train and get some Grandpa Gohan and Guru cards. So that all your group members are at there max.

9) Go to Freeza's ship where Goku is then go south then west and you should see freeza with 3 groups of hench men this should be a over kill with Piccolo back in your group.

10) The last group might be hard because they are a copy of the Ginyu Force but it should go much quicker.


Battle with Freeza part two

Name Freeza
HP Unknown
BP Double last times power level.

The once Strongest Warrior in the universe.

He will change form as soon as you see him making him 50x stronger but still with Piccolo on your side this should be a snap just use a Guru and a Ki card on Piccolo and Freeza is gone.

Freeza Part two

1) Fly around till you find Freeza you will have to do this awhile and battle him until he will take you to a part of a island to finish the battle.


Battle with Freeza part two

Name Freeza
HP Unknown
BP Double last times power level.

The once Strongest Warrior in the universe.

There is no Strategy to this. Freeza is a monster just battle him till Goku Joins the fight. Once he does you can do it the hard way or the easy way.

Hard way: Battle freeza till the bitter end use all your cards to finish the monster off for ever use Goku's Kaio-Ken and Kamehameha's and Piccolo's Demon ray and Krillin's disc's

Easy way: and also the special way) Let one of your Human fighters die, like in the show Krillin dies. But if you feel sad for him much like I do let Tien or another Weak human die and Goku will turn into a Super Saiyan but do not let Piccolo, Gohan and Vegeta die you will need them for the end of the game. Now with SSj Goku this will be a easy battle. Just beat the crap out of Freeza.


2) Good job you have defeated the evil Freeza if you made Goku go Super Saiyan and still have Vegeta alive at the end you will get to do a special battle a bonus if you will. Just watch the credits at the end and you will Get to battle Super Saiyan Vegeta


Battle with Vegeta

Name Vegeta
HP Unknown
BP Stronger then Goku at Super Saiyan

Vegeta is a princes of the Saiyan's sent to earth to kill Goku and his friends he is very evil on earth but later becomes a Z-warrior. 

Very Hard battle if you have the Porunga card or Moon/Tail now's the time to use it along with some Guru's and Grandpa Gohan cards. Just battle him with every thing you got. But do not use Humans unless you want them to die although my Krillin did finish Vegeta off. Just do all you can to kill him there is nothing I can say that would help you kill him. 

Well that's the end of the Game you will see a ending of some type the the The End words.



7. Charts

Power Level Chart of group members.

Character/Part Earth1  Earth 2  Namek 1 Namek 2 Ginyu Freeza 1 Freeza 2 Vegeta
Goku 1/2 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
Piccolo 1/2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2
Gohan 3 4/5 4 2 3 3 4 3
Vegeta 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 0
Krillin 0 3 2/3 3 4/5 4 5 4
Tien 0 4/5 2/3 4 4/5 5 6 5
Yamcha 0 6 5 5 6 6 7 6
Chaozu 0 7 6 6 7 7 8 7
Nail 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0
Tsumuri 0 0 5/6 0 0 0 0 0
Mai-Ma 0 0 5/6 0 0 0 0 0
Dende 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


8. Secrets 

Getting Cap' in Ginyu

1) In the battle with Cap' in Ginyu with Goku let him win. Then if you manage to get him down to a sliver then put some weak human in to finish him off. This should trigger him to do his Body Change attack then just finish that human off and you should now have Cap' in Ginyu in replace of your normal Human.

Porunga / Moon Tail cards

2) In the battle with Freeza and Nail you Have to damage Freeza at least by 10 Hp so when Gohan makes the wish to bring Piccolo and or the others back that will be your last wish unless you damaged Freeza then the Dragon will not die and let you make the second wish for the Porunga or the Moon/Tail card.




DragonBall Z : Legend Of The Super Saiyan RPG


Walkthrough© Noname DBZ

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