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Son Gokou


During his life, Gokou has been in many many fights. About 84 to be exact. These are some of his more memorable fights. Gokou vs the big fish! Who can forget the very first fight Gokou was in against that giant blue fish. Gokou vs the giant bear! The bear has a name but I don't recall it. This is when he first uses his Janken (paper/scissors) move. Gokou vs Yamcha! This was the first great battle in the series. Gokou vs Gyuu Maou, or Ox King! Even though this fight lasted a couple of seconds, it was still pretty funny. Gokou vs Oyabun, or Boss Rabbit! This was when Gokou faced off against the rabbit that turned people into carrots. Gokou vs Pilaf, Shao, and Mai! Here, Gokou first turns into an ape and demolishes Pilaf's great castle. Gokou vs Jackie Chun! When Gokou faces off against a disguised Kamesennin at his first Tenkaichi Budokai. This was a huge fight between Gokou and Jackie Chun (Kamesennin). Gokou vs Murasaki the ninja! This wasn't so much a big fight but it was long and funny. Gokou vs Blue Shogun! Gokou faces off, in a long battle, against a very powerful, and very gay, member of the Red Ribbon Army. This fight leads them through Dr. Slump's Penguin Village. That's the town in Akira Toriyama's other manga. Gokou vs Tao-pie pie! This is an interesting fight because when Gokou first faces the assasin, he loses. However, he trains at the top of Karin Tower (not Kami's Tower) and beats him three days later. Gokou vs Black! In this battle Gokou beats the new leader of the Red Ribbon Army. This is officially the last battle with the Red Ribbon Army. Gokou vs Uranai Baba's spirits! Uranai Baba is Kamesennin' sister. She's a witch that can tell you your future for somewhere around ten billion zeni (Dragon Ball's unit of money). If you don't pay you have to fight her spirits. Gokou and his friends almost trash all of them until it comes down to the last spirit, it's Gokou's grandpa. From now on, almost every fight is incredibly long and dramatic, some lasting hundreds of pages in the manga! These fights are what, in my opinion, MADE Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.