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RWX Options

            This is where we set the lighting, texture and object options as well as naming

            the RWX files you will create and give instructions on saving the generated

            RWX files.


            renderware objects.  This is useful if you simply want to reinstall RWX objects

            you already have back into your world with the Building Robot.


            the rwx files, ready for upload, just by selecting the zip-it option.  Plus, it will

            even password protect your zip files automatically as well!


            want to put in here is the prefix name you wish to give your objects.  The

            program will write a suffix for each individual object.  If you name them

            MyGrnd, the program will generate ground objects named MyGrnd00N_00W,

            MyGrnd00N_01W, etc....


                             b  Choose how you want the light to hit the objects

                             c   How many repeats of the tile should be in each object where more would

                                  be more refined, smaller texture, and less would be larger, less refined

                                  looking texture.



                             b  This puts the texture on both sides of the object

                             c  This causes the object to be solid from both directions.  Best not to use

                                 this because it increases the file size.  However, there may be times when

                                 you may find this feature useful.

                             d  This option generates triangles rather than quad facets.   Using triangles

                                 is now strongly suggested due to bugs in generating quads.


                             b  Diffused lighting is the amount of spread the lighting over a surface.  it

                                 takes a directional light and softens it by spreading over more facets.

                             c  Spectacular is light coming from the object, such as a light bulb


                                 gives an object basic lighting for the world.

                             b  If you do prelight your object, you can choose the color of the light here.


                                 textures here.

                             b  Use this option if you have a full sets of textures for each individual  

                                 object you generate. The program will assign individual textures for each  

                                 generated object with the naming similar to the rwx names, i.e.:  

                                 ztxt00n_00w, ztxt00n_01w, etc. (Andras still hopes to find a tool which

                                 can take a landscape texture, made by programs such as Terragen or Bryce,

                                 and carve it up into smaller pieces [while keeping a high enough  

                                 resolution] to use for texturing the terrain)


            world, you could also be uploading them to your file server!  I have my account

            at, and these are the entries I make:

                                Host URL: (note the ftp, etc... is already in the program and is

                                                     not necessary to include)

                               USER ID:  IngieBee

                               PassW: ***

                               FTP Target Dir:  models (again, no path is necessary, the program knows

                                                             where to find it)


            Done here, lets move on to RWX Texture Zones...


Come visit me in Active Worlds, my world is called ArtDeco!