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Hello all, if you're here, you're not looking to see my artwork and you don't dig Shadowrun. Chances are, you're looking for something... weird. Well, you've come to the right place. I'll be compiling useless stuff that's been manifesting itself in the dark icky parts of my cluttered mind. Also on this page, I intend to keep up with the other games I run such as Deadlands and the like. After all, man cannot exist on Shadowrun alone. You need other sources of RPG goodness to fall back on when times are hard. So take a trip into my madness as it were, and look at what's in store for you!!!

Before anyone gets upset and starts to cry like a three year old at the contents of this page, read this Disclaimer

Bad Ass Links
Go to my favorite sites

New Reviews!
Reviews for all the stuff that I've seen that's fit to print.

Top Ten Lists

Top Ten Anime Productions of All Times
Top Eleven American Animations
Top Ten Movies of All Time
Top Ten Bad Movies of All Time
Top Ten Books of All Time
Top Ten Roleplaying Games of All Time

Anime Madness!

Giant Robo!!!
Bringing Down the Mouse House - Or how I learned to Splat the Rat and Embrace Anime

Other RPG Mania

Deadlands: The Wasted West/Weird West RPG
Character Gallery - A look at my other selves in RPG games.
The Nightshift - My current Vampire: the Masquerade table-top chronicle.
White Wolf Game Studio - Homesite of one of the best damn game companies in existence.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group Inc. Makers of the aforementioned Deadlands series.
RPG Host - The serivce where you can vote for my wonderful shadowrun website's position on their top 25 list.