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Extreme Movies

If you have any movie suggestions, share them with me and I might put them up.

Asian Arcade
I thought this kind of hand-eye coordination was impossible, but once again, our Oriental friends prove me wrong.
Beatbox Harmonica
Normally you can find me hiding from this beatbox craze in an old Y2K shelter. But beatbox + harmonica is actually decent sounding...
Beatbox Skills
While I don't much care for beatboxing, I can still recognize the talent this guy has. He can sing AND beatbox at the same time. Friggin' ubelievable.
Best Ping Pong Match Ever
And I thought Ping Pong couldn't be improved upon.
Honda's best advertisement ever, a Rube Goldberg machine made completely out of car parts. Like two minutes long.
Crip Masters
Another great stride for the handicapable. This ninja can kick your ass without arms. Watch him beat up the bad guys.
David Blaine Heart Trick
After I saw this, I was like YES! But then I realized he was probably still alive. :(
David Elsewhere
Kids these days. What with their MTV, video game machines, Funky Cold Medinas, and ability to dance by bending their bodies into shapes my God won't tolerate.
Extreme Parking
I normally hate it when someone takes a spot I was obviously going to park in before me, but if they stole it like this, I wouldn't even care.
Fast Electric's 120 MPH Boat Run
This video is cool for two reasons: 1) the boat goes friggin' 120 mp friggin' h, and 2) the cops get pissed at the guy because of where he parked his car. No respect.
Fire Melon
Genius. Fill a melon up with something flammable, light it on fire, and hit it with a bat as hard as you can! What could go wrong?
Foosball Tricks
A short video showing off one dude's skill with his foosball me. Cool stuff.
Godly Ping Pong
Just a little clip of an Asian Ping Pong match. This time it's NOT a trick or a show. It's real skill.
Henry Bekkering Dunk Contest
A few guys show up and do some cool lookin' dunks, but then whitey shows up and FRIGGIN' SCHOOLS THEM. Really impressive dunks here.
Human Target
This guy bravely faces down a Roman Candle with nothing but a helmet and long sleeves. Watch how smart his friends are.
Jean Larrivee, Guitarist
I have yet to see a guitarist surpass this guy's incredible skill. Catchy tune, too.
Joe Eigo
(friggin' NINJA!)
Long video of the incredible kicks and jump of Joe Eigo. This guy is talented like a what.
MacGyver Bombs
These kids get the bright idea to make MacGyver bombs, but they clearly have no idea how to make them. For example, you don't shake it up, stupid.
Mario Guitar
One again, someone can play the themes to the first and second levels of the first Mario game. Thrilling? No. But at least the sound effects are cool.
Mario in 11 Minutes
Though not playing conventionally, this Asian fellow did technically beat Super Mario Land 3 in less than 11 minutes. I feel like my entire childhood was wasted.
Mario Piano
This guy learned how to play the background music to the first two levels of Super Mario Bros. He even throws in some sound effects. :(
One-Legged DDR
It's quite a talent to play Dance Dance Revolution well, but to do it with just one leg? THAT'S skill.
Rubik's Cube Record
Very few people can solve a Rubik's Cube. Even fewer can solve it in under a minute. This guy can do it in under 17 seconds.
Sand Sicaf
You will not believe the sheer talent this guy has. A little sand, a projector, and his finger. Watch what he can do.
Soccer Tricks
Some guys show off their soccer skills in a neat little video. COMPLETE control of the soccer ball. I think even professionals would have a hard time topping this.

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Images, movies, games, quotes, and lots of other crap are being used without permission. Thanks for not suing. <3
Published 2004 MyWonderfulHomepage.