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Creating a Character

What I (the DM) am looking for:
A highly detailed, reasonably fast paced campaign with a committed player.  I'm willing to accept two players who know each other ahead of time and have created compatible PCs if they meet the other criteria.

The key to creating a character (and a campaign as I will base it around your character) is the player's motivation and desires.  What do you want to accomplish with this character, what sort of character do you want to be.  This site and the related books contain numerous ideas that a character can be molded around.  Want to be a priestess who goes on to successfully found a noble house (note that becoming a matron mother or an instructor at the Academy will end the campaign)?  Or perhaps you want to undermine Lloth's rule as a Vhaeraunan.  I will even accept classes and races not allowed here but only with an exceptional character write-up that I approve and that includes all the elements to make it believable to me that the character could be in Menzoberranzan and free (no slave campaigns).  This could be a race disallowed elsewhere (such as a derro), a standard race (such as a human), or even an unusual race (e.g., a dark creeper).  Note that I have a complete racial list that is much larger than mentioned here that I use but the complete class list I use is on this site.  The campaign must start off in or around Menzoberranzan at the least so races that cannot fit that mold (such as a myconid who never leaves their circle) will not be accepted.  With such exceptional characters it is best to get background approval from me first.
     Your background can be as detailed as you like or you can ask me to fill it in though I encourage you to add all the details you need or want for your character concept (we can negotiate them if they don't fit).  Be creative.  Want to be a noble or serve a noble house?  You can choose an existing house from the Noble Houses of Menzoberranzan page or make up your own.  Note that as listed, certain noble houses are absolutely off limits as is Bregan D'aerthe for PCs (to start with, anyway).  You may also choose to start at 0th level (especially if you wish to play through the Academy) or 1st level.  With a truly exceptional background I will allow PCs of modestly higher level to start with.

Follow the following steps to create a character:

  1. Download the template to fill out (keep the character in text format).
  2. Choose a race from those listed on the Races of Menzoberranzan page.  Depending on the race, a basic background (noble, freeman, etc.) should also be chosen at this time.
  3. Choose a class (or classes) from the those listed on the Classes of Menzoberranzan page.
  4. Choose an alignment.
  5. Choose a deity or deities, if any.  If no deity is desired, put None.  Clergy must have a single deity.  The Religion in Menzoberranzan page lists a number of the more prominent religions to be found in the city.
  6. Roll ability scores as per Method I in the 1st Edition DMG.  Races that use other than 3d6 to determine the range of one (or more) of their abilities should instead use the appropriate number and type of dice +1 to generate the ability score, with the lowest roll dropped (e.g., if an ability calls for 2d8 then 3d8 are rolled and the die with the lowest roll is discarded).  However, if two different types of dice (such as d4+d6) is rolled or only a single die is rolled this rule does not apply.  If only a single die is rolled (such as when determining an ogre's strength) then only that one roll is made.  If different types of dice are rolled then two full scores for that ability are generated and the higher score is taken (for instance, an ogrillon rolls 1d4 and 1d6 for Int so two possible Int scores are rolled rather than simply rolling and discarding an extra die).
  7. If any ability scores do not meet the minimum for the chosen class and race after racial adjustments, reroll that ability score until it does.
  8. Determine Secondary Skill(s) and choose weapon and non-weapon proficiencies (NWP) as per the Proficiencies in Menzoberranzan page.
  9. Choose additional languages from the Languages of Menzoberranzan page.  Additional language slots do not have to be filled, they can be saved for later.
  10. If a magic-user or drow bard, generate a 1st level wizard spell list as per the DMG, page 39.  One offensive, one defensive, one miscellaneous, and one additional miscellaneous or defensive (player's choice) are rolled.  If desired, a book of cantrips may be possessed as detailed in UA.  Drow nobles (and drow serving in noble houses that graduated the Academy) begin with 2 each offensive, defensive, and miscellaneous magic-user spells at 1st level.  If starting out above 1st level, the DM will determine what additional spells are known.  All characters start with read magic.
  11. Determine starting funds as per the PHB.  Multi-class characters have only the starting funds of the class that potentially generates the most funds.  Nobles begin with double the randomly determined amount of money and will begin with some additional items based on class determined by the DM.  Depending on class, drow serving in a noble house may also start with special equipment.
  12. Except drow nobles and drow serving in a noble house, characters may choose one magical item to start play with.  The item must be approved by the DM (only relatively low powered items like +1 armor or weapons, certain rings, scrolls of no more than 3 spell levels, and so on will be accepted).  Drow weapons and armor are considered equivalent to magical items for this purpose.
  13. Purchase equipment using the Goods in Menzoberranzan page.  If you would like an item not listed there, try to give a reference for it (i.e., a sourcebook it appears in) when making a special request.
  14. When filling out the equipment list note where/how everything is carried (e.g., large belt pouch holds spell components, spell components are...).  Material spell components are used.  If you don't list it, you don't have it!
  15. Add your character's personality.
  16. Add your character's background.
  17. Add a physical description of your character.
  18. Ask the DM about the coming of age and special vows ceremonies.

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