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Newspaper2.gif (1029 bytes)Welcome to 'The Queen of the Damned Movie Site' News Archives!
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Here you will find a comprehensive collection of information concerning the movie spanning from March 2000 to April 2001.  Simply click on the links at the bottom of the page to access each month. All entries are dated and recorded from top (most recent) to bottom (least recent).


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Feel free to visit my new fansite:

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I am no longer updating this website, but it still contains a detailed record of the production of the film.
This website remains fully operational, and all information was current as of April, 2001.
Please feel free to visit the following sections:

Movie Information
(Includes Cast List, Australian Locations, LA Locations, Death Valley Concert,
Music Information, Anne's Involvement, News Articles, Miscellaneous Articles,
Michael Rymer Interview, Official Photos and Exclusive Prop Photos)

Script Information

Unofficial Script

Script Suggestions

My Opinions

Links Archive


For further news about 'Queen of the Damned', visit:

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Queen of the Damned
News Archives

April 2001

March 2001

February 2001

January 2001

December 2000

November 2000

October 2000

September 2000

August 2000

July 2000

June 2000

May 2000

April 2000

March 2000



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