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Chris Kirkpatrick

Full name: Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick
Nickname: Chris, Lucky, Psycho, Crazy, Puerto Rico, Mr. Funny
Birthdate: October 17, 1971
Birthplace: Clarion, Pennsylvania
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs
0000000000Family: 4 half-sisters: Molly, Kate, Emily and Taylor
Favorite food: Mexican
Favorite color: Silver
Favorite sport: Football and Hockey
Favorite singer: Michael Jackson and Brian McKnight
Religion: Christian
Underwear: Calvin Klein
Lance on Chris: "He loves his hair - he never cuts it!"

Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick aka Chris was born on October 17, 1971 in Clarion, Pennsylvania. He is the oldest member of 'N Sync AND his family. He has 4 half-sisters - Molly, Kate, Emily, and Taylor.

Chris fell in love with performing when he was cast as Oliver when he was 11. He was in many plays in high school and went to Valencia College as a theater major. (Even then he knew that someday he would be performing). After he graduated from Valencia, Chris enrolled in Rollins College and became very involved in the Chamber Choir. That was when he fell in love with singing. He joined the Hollywood High Tones after and performed there for a few years.

Chris's favorite sports are football and hockey and his favorite teams are the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Pittsburgh Penguins. His favorite colors are black and silver and his favorite singers are Michael Jackson and Brian McKnight.

Chris loves in-line skating, surfing and roller hockey. He also plays basketball but he's not a major freak about it like Justin is. When Chris isn't playing one sport or another, he can be found on the dance floor at local clubs, tearin' it up to techno music! =O)

The most perfect girl for Chris must share his love of music and sports, must have a great sense of humor and be very outgoing. He is very excited about his future as part of 'N Sync, as most fans are, including me of course! I'd really love to see more of Chris. I had no idea he can sing like that! His part in "I Drive Myself Crazy" makes my heart melt. I think people get thrown off because of his age. I think it's cool how he can be so "crazy" and not have to be responsible for the rest of the guys and actually get away with it! Chris definitely has his own style and I love him for that!

Chris has a new look for 1998 as well. He now has a little bit of hair under his chin - not quite a goatee. He also has major dreds! It doesn't look messy like others I've seen though. It looks more like he twisted individual strands of his hair and dyed some of it blonde. It looks so good that I wanna touch it. I was so tempted to touch his hair when I saw him but I didn't. He probably would've thought I was weird. (hehehe)

Some 411 you might wanna know about Chris:

~tHe DiRt On ChRiS~
Disgusting habit: He bites his fingernails right down to the knuckle.
Best feature: His hair. He never cuts it.
Feature he hates: His feet 'cuz they're so little.
Spice Name: "Crazy Spice". He's so wild and hyper all the time. I've never seen him sleep.
Party Piece: He can make one eye move to the side while other stays still.
Phobia: He's afraid of heights.....and commitment. He's never had a girlfriend for longer than a month! (Uh, what about Catherine?)
Nickname: Lucky 'cuz he's Irish.
Rating with the ladies: He's good at chatting up but he gets shy when it comes to making a move.
Biggest Secret: He had this weird hair style once. Short at the sides with a line shaved through, then long on top with a blonde quiff.


"I only like silver, gold is was kinda funny when the dentist asked if the braces should be in gold. I just said 'Do I look like someone who likes gold?' Well, so he made a normal teeth brace for me..All my jewelery is silver. Even this cool watch that each of us wears. Except JC..he's not really into jewelery. This watch was a present from our manager Lou Pearlman, when we received the first golden record for 'I want you back'. And we got a necklace with the 'N Sync tag. I don't wear it very often because it's earrings I bought in August. I don't know where I got 'em from..I just liked them."

***A NOTE TO THE GUYS OF 'N SYNC: If any of you are reading this and are offended in any way about anything I said/wrote on this page, please E-MAIL me and let me know. I will take down anything you don't want on here. =O)***

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