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The Grolemunds came to Pennsylvania from Switzerland by way of Germany.       Grolimund translates into English as "Golden Mouth."

This page is an abbreviated tree.
Quick Links to:
{ Bottom }  or   { Back }  or   { Photos }  or   { Will's Tree. }
or the European connection.

                           I am        
                         William Joseph     
                |                           |   
           Dad = "Nash"                 Mom = "Betty"  
           Sylvester Bernard            Anna Elizabeth  
           Grolemund                    Sternberger  
           1915-1973                    1915-1985  
               |                            |  
       -----------------              -----------------  
       |               |              |               |  
  Andrew John      Rose Ann       David           Rosa   
  Grolemund        Gannon         Sternberger     Thorpe  
  1862-1957        1876-1966      1871-1958       1880-1917   
      |                |              |               |  
 -----------       ---------      ----------      ---------
 |         |       |       |      |        |      |       |
John       |    William J  |   Joseph      |   Thomas     |
Grolemund  |    Gannon     |   Sternberger |   Thorpe     |
1816-1891  |    1845-1913  |   1836-1      |   1832-1917  |
      Catherine       Mary Ann       Drayer ?       Magdalena
      Greenawalt      Levy Carroll   or Drager      Schillinger
      1830-1914       1844-1937      18??           1840-1891

See Tree.

Quick Link to:
{ Top }  or   { Back }  or   { Photos }  or   { Tree. }

See my home page for some hidden mysteries. . .

I have some memo items in a Grolemund Correspondence file
that I put on the pages before I prepared the tree.

I also have recent notes in the SPANISH and SWISS Grolimund Correspondence file

The following is a screen test.

This "hr" line is 1000 wide

This "hr" line is 800 wide

This "hr" line is 600 wide

Just a test. Some monitors are still set in lower resolution mode.

I didn't know that #   Grolemund families
had internet service.     I hope that some of you will send me a note
or that you will sign my guestbook or a quick ICQ note.

Add Me!