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Red Horse Photos

Webmaster: R.G."Andy" Anderson


Group of Horsemen near Control Tower. Picture sent in to Red Horse Country from Pete Reed.

Picture of AIB Fuel Trailers sent in from Pete Reed.

Do you know who this is? Please let us know at Red Horse Country. Picture sent in from Pete Reed.

Picture sent in from Pete Reed.

Picture sent in from Pete Reed.

Vietnamese Child at the Laundry Area. Picture sent in from Pete Reed.

Vietnamese Ladies washing clothes in the river. Picture sent in from Pete Reed.

A couple of Horsemen's picture sent to Red Horse Country from Pete Reed.

Picture sent in from Pete Reed.

Horsemen building a revetment outside of their tent. The top hard back tent belonged to Colonel Conti, who was the original 554 Red Horse Commander. Picture was sent in from Pete Reed.

This group picture of Horsemen from DaNang, Vietnam was sent to "Red Horse Country" by Sgt Jack Daly. Sgt Daly is in the center of this photo.

Picture of Phan Rang, Vietnam was taken in the 1967-1969 era and was sent in by Lt Donald Taylor who worked in the 315th Munitions Squadron.

Picture of Phan Rang, Vietnam was taken in the 1967-1969 era and was sent in by Lt Donald Taylor who worked in the 315th Munitions Squadron. Don't know what the smoke is on the right of the photo. Could be burning brush that was being cleared for new construction???

This is a picture of Phan Rang, Vietnam sent to Red Horse Country from MSgt Carl Beavers.

This picture shows Horsemen in the process of assembling lockers as MSgt Carl Beavers looks on.

This is a picture of MSgt Carl Beavers standing in front of a bunker in Vietnam.

This is a picture of MSgt Carl Beavers posing in front his tent.

This is a picture of MSgt Carl Beavers working under the runway at Phan Rang, Vietnam.

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

Sent from Sgt Lyle Ewald to Red Horse Country, Vietnam 1966-1967

The guys from Tent D-6 are AIC Tayman, AIC Drake, A2C Dugas, and AIC Barnette
Photo taken in 1968, Bill Ackley sent it in to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang City in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang City in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Phan Rang City in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Thap Chan City in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Thap Chan City in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Rock Crusher in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Rock Crusher in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Rock Crusher in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Rock Crusher in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Rock Crusher in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Rock Crusher in 1967, Bill Ackley sent photo to Red Horse Country.

Picture from the Iraqi War. Tsgt Sean Mahurin sent this photo into Red Horse Country.

Another picture from the Iraqi War that was sent to Red Horse Country from TSgt Sean Mahurin.



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