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____ - ____

Family 1 : Peter
  1. +Catherine


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1817 - ____

Father: John ALBRECHT
Mother: Ann HABIN

Family 1 : Katherine
  1. +Anna ALBRECHT

                       _Christian ALBRECHT _
                      | (.... - 1793)       
 _John ALBRECHT ______|
| (1791 - ....) m 1810|
|                     |_Barbara ____________
|  (1817 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Ann HABIN __________|
   m 1810             |



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1810 - 1896

Father: Peter KAUFMAN
Mother: Elizabeth GRABER

                       _Jacob KAUFMAN ___________+
                      | (.... - 1781) m 1762     
 _Peter KAUFMAN ______|
| (1770 - ....) m 1791|
|                     |_Elizabeth (Babi) GRABER _
|                        m 1762                  
|--Joseph KAUFMAN 
|  (1810 - 1896)
|                      _Christian GRABER ________+
|                     | (.... - 1808) m 1766     
|_Elizabeth GRABER ___|
  (1773 - ....) m 1791|
                      |_Maria (Marrey) ROTH? ____
                         m 1766                  


[195] Farmer; m. Kathrina Goering, b. 1811, d. 1884, HHopefield Ch Cem,
Moundridge KS. Children: Maria, Carolina, Joseph, Freni, Adolph,
Napolean. Birthdate is controversial: Tombstone 1810; Peter and Elisabeth
Graber Kaufman Family register - 1813. Katrina Goering Kaufman was the
granddau of Moses Goring, whose name appears on the passport with Peter
Kaufman, the father of Joseph. In 1837, Joseph and family moved with
others from Michelsdorf, Poland to Horodisch, Province Volhynia Russia./
Various Occupations: for some time he was a forest ranger. As a
camouflaged deer-hunter, his arm mistakenly received buckshot which he
retained for life. Later, after the Edwardsdorf congregation moved to
Kot5osufka, Joseph owned for a time a large tract of land in Beresufka,
which was located nearby. Here Napoleon (Elder N.R. Kaufman) was born in
1-6-1862. In Kotosufka, Joseph was a school teacher. This
information was reported by PR Kaufman, his pupil and great nephew, in an
interview shortly before PR's death. Emigration data of Joseph's
Family: Adolph and Carolina Kaufman Dirks died in Russia befor the 1874
emigration to America. Freni Kaufman Kind remained in Russia with her
family. (They may have later moved to Soputh America.) Joseph Jr. and
Maria Kaufman Stucky ca me in 1874 when the large congregation from
Kotosuifka immigrated. Napoleon R., at the age of 14, and his mother came
in 1876. Father Joseph came in 1877, completing the immigration to
America for this family. A quote froml Portrait and Biographical
Record, "They had but little; means, but tghey were well-known to be
honest and true and some kindly friend loaned them the money to pay the
passage." For mnore information see: 1) N.R. and Freni Kaufman
Family Recore, pp. 6, 12, 13, 20. 2) Portrait and Biographical Record of
Four Counties: McPherson, Marion, Saline, Dickson, p. 600. 3) The
Challenging Faith - Hopefikeld Centennial Publication, pp 166-7.

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|o SN`Š

20 SEP 1947 - ____

Father: Charles SN`Š

 _Charles SN`Š ____|
|  m 1944             |
|                     |__________________________
|--|o SN`Š 
|  (1947 - ....)
|                      _OSWALD DAVID MCWILLIAMS _
|                     |  m 1919                  
  (1924 - ....) m 1944|
                      |_HILDRED Sarah ANDERSON __+
                        (1900 - 1984) m 1919     


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14 NOV 1870 - 1874

Father: Jacob SENNER
Mother: Katherina

                       _Wilhelm SENNER (SEHNER) _
                      | (1812 - 1893)            
 _Jacob SENNER _______|
| (1840 - 1921) m 1862|
|                     |_FREDERICKA HEITINGER ____
|                       (1817 - 1895)            
|--Jacob SENNER 
|  (1870 - 1874)
|                      _Christian _______________+
|                     | (1816 - ....)            
|_Katherina __________|
  (1844 - 1920) m 1862|
                      |_Anna ____________________


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Katherina SENNER

1833 - ____

Father: Jacob SENNER
Mother: Barbara

 _Jacob SENNER _______|
| (1803 - ....)       |
|                     |__
|--Katherina SENNER 
|  (1833 - ....)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Barbara ____________|


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