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Rulyn is a youngster, born to two Telgar Dragonriders-brownrider Ursa and greenrider Emlyn. A second generation PC on PernMush, his youth was spent mostly off-camera at Southern Weyr with Emlyn. He returned to Telgar Weyr to see his estranged mother, Ursa, when he was 15 turns, and decided to stay.

Rulyn's Logs

  • His first day back at Telgar: 1) Rulyn's side 2) Ursa's side
  • He tells Kindre about his moms.
  • Rulyn meets Yashira--logged and hosted by Yash
  • Mirrari gets Searched--and Rulyn requests to be Searched, as well.
  • The love letters! --logged and hosted by Kindre--the last half was logged by Rulyn :)
  • Telgar's storytelling night --See Rulyn recite more silly love poetry! (at the very end)
  • Rulyn discusses his turnday with Yashira
  • The psycho flower boy--Logged and hosted by Yashira.
  • Baby Soft Feet--The night before Yashira Stands, Rulyn and Yashira touch each other's feet. (logged and hosted by Yashira)
  • Rulyn bitches--After Storm's birth, hear Rulyn try to explain his family life to Jarven.
  • 17 Turns!--Another turn, another turnday. Yashira's log.
  • The RETURN of the psycho flower boy--a whole turn later! Hear Yashira say: There is no kissing.
  • A talk with Yashira--and an ironic ending. Yashira's romantic past revealed!
  • Don't expect your friends to all walk in that door--So why did they do just that?
  • A Rulyn by any other name--would still smell like a tannery.
  • A typical Boy--Is Rulyn such an animal?
  • The taste of Fear--More serious talking with Yashira. See how much Rulyn doesn't care! And why the whole Igen/candidate experience has the young man quivering in fear.
  • A Day in the Life of a Candidate--such a darn busy day I broke it up into four parts:
    • Part A--Just a day in the life, see everyone torment Rulyn for his appetite
    • Part B--Once she chased him with a tunnelsnake and made him cry. Lookat her now!
    • Part C--The first egg touching!
    • Part D--He's too sexy for the weyr, too sexy for the weyr, even paralyzed with fear.
  • Rulyn meets Teria--And she cries for a lost bronzerider.
  • How many turns have you? When a complete stranger starts counting the turns, to calculate if he is your father, you know you're in for an interesting evening.
  • Red like a sunburn--Read to find out who would bribe an Uncle and why this would make Rulyn blush. Thanks to Ursa for the +watching!
  • Candidate Robe--All that needs to be done is some pinning.
  • Red Alert!--Another sunburn.
  • A gift!--Ursa gives Yashira Rulyn's gift. Yashira's log!
  • Arm Massages--We think it doesn't break the rules.... Thanks to Natasya for the last half!
  • Oh no! The Psycho Flower Boy hits Igen!--The famous juice and less famous toss, both in one log!
  • Silliness--two simple, short scenes. Quick read!
  • Ovine Thieves!--A lil oasis of sweetness.
  • Who has baby soft feet?--Once again, the night before a hatching, the softness of Rulyn's and the toughness of Yashira's feet are both considered.
  • Haircut--A case of nerves and an abusive auntie lead up to a drastic change. Thanks, Natasya, for the log!
  • THE HATCHING--This version is from the ledges, logged and hosted by (who else) Yashira
Bronzerider! Weyrling time
  • Spawn Pies--U'yn's encounter with a different madness.
  • Juice!--The Telgari come to visit, and there is much, much juice. Thanks, Yashira!
  • The Revered Craft of Normalcy--Who holds what position? Who's getting promoted? Who's getting demoted? And WHAT happened to Natasya? Thanks to Teria for this log!
  • Who's the Craftmaster?--An addendum to the Craftmaster saga. Oh, and meet the problematic greenrider. 
  • Checkup--Kismith and Jazeth get their checkups, and now we see that the greenrider was, indeed, a problem.
  • Bun in What Oven?--The dragons once again reveal unexpected news. (Cross reference to Yashira's log of the same name about a different brown rider.) 
  • Short Bun!--Just the dragon chatter from the Bun log. Thanks, Yashira!
  • Pushups--A lot of them. Forget the greenrider.
  • A Reaction--Denial!
  • A further Reaction--Bitterness! Mushiness! In one Log!
  • Bovine Songs and Winnings--Reconsider what?? K'ran comes to visit and witnesses U'yn's encounter with a freak undertow.
  • Ursa's Interrogation--Ursa decides she needs some information. (Ursa's log)
  • After the Interrogation--Natasya has news to convey, and there is more interrogation.
  • Bovine Poetry--So sublime
  • First Flight!--Kismith and Keturath launch into the air for the very first time!
  • Further orders--As if 200 pushups a day weren't enough, Siara has more orders for the weyrling pair, further confusing the stuffing outta U'yn.
  • Correspondence--A letter and a gift arrive from Yashira. Much U'yn-snuffling happened! (off camera, no you can't see him cry, you voyeur!) Then, a  response.
  • An apology--U'yn admits he was a wherry-terd. 
  • No thanks, Mom!--Ursa visits, again, this time to torment Teria. Cross-reference: Ursa's log.
  • Who should whine?--U'yn thinks he has every right to whine, and Chayil doesn't.
  • Straps--U'yn obliges Desh with a demonstration of straps, what they are, and how they work.
  • Ice Cream!--Witness the birth of Igen's newest delicacy: snot cream. Hear Desh say: "That is not structurally sound."
  • Turnday presents!--Teria's, and Yashira's.
Thanks to Yashira for the PsychoFlowerBoy Pattern and Titlebars, too!

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