Rulyn is a youngster, born to two Telgar Dragonriders-brownrider Ursa
and greenrider Emlyn. A second generation PC on PernMush, his youth was
spent mostly off-camera at Southern Weyr with Emlyn. He returned to Telgar
Weyr to see his estranged mother, Ursa, when he was 15 turns, and decided
to stay.
Rulyn's Logs
His first day back at Telgar: 1) Rulyn's
side 2) Ursa's side
He tells Kindre about his moms.
Rulyn meets Yashira--logged
and hosted by Yash
Mirrari gets Searched--and Rulyn requests
to be Searched, as well.
The love letters!
--logged and hosted by Kindre--the last half was logged by Rulyn :)
Telgar's storytelling night --See Rulyn
recite more silly love poetry! (at the very end)
Rulyn discusses his turnday with Yashira
The psycho flower
boy--Logged and hosted by Yashira.
Baby Soft
Feet--The night before Yashira Stands, Rulyn and Yashira touch each
other's feet. (logged and hosted by Yashira)
Rulyn bitches--After Storm's birth,
hear Rulyn try to explain his family life to Jarven.
17 Turns!--Another
turn, another turnday. Yashira's log.
The RETURN of the psycho flower
boy--a whole turn later! Hear Yashira say: There is no kissing.
A talk with Yashira--and an ironic ending.
Yashira's romantic past revealed!
Don't expect your friends to all
walk in that door--So why did they do just that?
A Rulyn by any other name--would still smell like
a tannery.
A typical Boy--Is Rulyn such an animal?
The taste of Fear--More serious talking
with Yashira. See how much Rulyn doesn't care! And why the whole Igen/candidate
experience has the young man quivering in fear.
A Day in the Life of a Candidate--such a darn busy day I broke it up into
four parts:
Part A--Just a day in the life, see everyone
torment Rulyn for his appetite
Part B--Once she chased him with a tunnelsnake
and made him cry. Lookat her now!
Part C--The first egg touching!
Part D--He's too sexy for the weyr, too
sexy for the weyr, even paralyzed with fear.
Rulyn meets Teria--And she cries for
a lost bronzerider.
How many turns have you? When a complete stranger
starts counting the turns, to calculate if he is your father, you know
you're in for an interesting evening.
Red like a sunburn--Read to find out who
would bribe an Uncle and why this would make Rulyn blush. Thanks to Ursa
for the +watching!
Candidate Robe--All that needs to be done
is some pinning.
Red Alert!--Another sunburn.
A gift!--Ursa
gives Yashira Rulyn's gift. Yashira's log!
Arm Massages--We think it doesn't break the
rules.... Thanks to Natasya for the last half!
Oh no! The Psycho Flower Boy hits Igen!--The
famous juice and less famous toss, both in one log!
Silliness--two simple, short scenes.
Quick read!
Ovine Thieves!--A lil oasis of sweetness.
Who has baby soft feet?--Once again,
the night before a hatching, the softness of Rulyn's and the toughness
of Yashira's feet are both considered.
Haircut--A case of nerves and
an abusive auntie lead up to a drastic change. Thanks, Natasya, for the
version is from the ledges, logged and hosted by (who else) Yashira
Bronzerider! Weyrling time
Spawn Pies--U'yn's encounter with a different
Telgari come to visit, and there is much, much juice. Thanks, Yashira!
The Revered Craft of Normalcy--Who
holds what position? Who's getting promoted? Who's getting demoted? And
WHAT happened to Natasya? Thanks to Teria for this log!
Who's the Craftmaster?--An addendum to
the Craftmaster saga. Oh, and meet the problematic greenrider.
Checkup--Kismith and Jazeth get their checkups,
and now we see that the greenrider was, indeed, a problem.
Bun in What Oven?--The dragons once again
reveal unexpected news. (Cross reference to Yashira's log of the same
name about a different brown rider.)
Short Bun!--Just
the dragon chatter from the Bun log. Thanks, Yashira!
Pushups--A lot of them. Forget the greenrider.
A Reaction--Denial!
A further Reaction--Bitterness! Mushiness!
In one Log!
Bovine Songs and Winnings--Reconsider what??
K'ran comes to visit and witnesses U'yn's encounter with a freak undertow.
Ursa's Interrogation--Ursa
decides she needs some information. (Ursa's log)
After the Interrogation--Natasya has news
to convey, and there is more interrogation.
Bovine Poetry--So sublime
First Flight!--Kismith and Keturath launch
into the air for the very first time!
Further orders--As if 200 pushups a day
weren't enough, Siara has more orders for the weyrling pair, further confusing
the stuffing outta U'yn.
Correspondence--A letter and a gift arrive
from Yashira. Much U'yn-snuffling happened! (off camera, no you can't see
him cry, you voyeur!) Then, a response.
An apology--U'yn admits he was a wherry-terd.
No thanks, Mom!--Ursa visits, again, this
time to torment Teria. Cross-reference: Ursa's
Who should whine?--U'yn thinks he has every
right to whine, and Chayil doesn't.
obliges Desh with a demonstration of straps, what they are, and how they
Ice Cream!--Witness the birth of Igen's
newest delicacy: snot cream. Hear Desh say: "That is not structurally sound."
Turnday presents!--Teria's, and Yashira's.
Thanks to Yashira
for the PsychoFlowerBoy Pattern and Titlebars, too!
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