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Prophecies 2000

January 2000

The Cries of the Father to his Defiant Children
Reckless Abandon
A Cry in the Wilderness

February 2000

Effervescent Fountain of Love 
Seek Me, My Children
Days of Testing & Fiery Storms

March 2000

Relentless Desire & A Consuming Fire

Come, Drink & Be Refreshed

Bask in his Presence

Fire Ministries Being Birthed

April 2000

Days of Wonder and Glory

New Beginnings

Mending Fences

The Winds of Change are Blowing- South Wind

May 2000 

Waves of Rain Falling from Heaven

Different Drumbeat

The Faith to Move Mountains

Major Heart Surgery

Contaminated Waters

Spiritual Boot Camp 

Tabernacle of Praise

A Godly Rest

Vision of the Fish Swimming

Vision of the River of God

June 2000 

Vision of the New Breed of Warriors

Wellsprings Springing Forth Out of the Earth

If You Don't Bow--You Won't Burn

Living Stepping Stones of Faith

Under the Comforting Wings of My Presence 


RISE UP and Take That Which Is Yours

 July 2000 

Holy Spirit Demolition

Vision of the Pseudo church v. the True Church

Vision of Sheaves of Wheat


Vision of Bubbling Pool of Joy

Golden Glory Rain Falling From Heaven Today

Come into the Holy of Holies, My Children

Robes of Righteousness and Keys to Authority

Sons and Daughters of Glory Coming Forth

August 2000

Everything is New

God's Breath Blew and It Ignited Fires Over the Earth

Living Stones of Fire

Habitations of His Glory

Rivers of My Spirit Flowing Over the Earth

Diamonds in the Rough

September 2000

A Love Song- From the Father's Heart-From the Garden of His Love

Lifted Up into the 3rd day Glory

Stretch Forth Your Hearts in Faith

Seeds of Faith

Character Assassination & Beating the Air

Glory Days

Jump Starting the Old Motors

Rejuvenating Rest in the Holy Place

Coming into the 3rd day Rest

Reach Higher Into My Glory

October 2000

A Declaration to the Nations of the World from the Father's Heart

Come and Sit at My Feet

Refreshing Waters & Quiet Seas of My Presence

Rise Up Lion of Judah

Faith to Speak to the Dead Dry Bones

The Intimacy of Love

November 2000

Toxic Fumes Filling My Church

America, Out of My Bowels You Were Birthed

Tears from Heaven

Pillars of Fire

A Heart of Worship

Take Hold of the Keys to the Kingdom

Crossing Over into the 3rd Day Glory

December 2000

Coming into the Promised Land

Is There Anything To Hard For Me?

Faith Building through the Fiery Trials

"No Strings Attached" - Unconditional Love

3rd Day Fiery Prayer Warriors