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Welcome to Our Family's ALIEN GUIDE LIBRARY!

This is more of Our Family's ALIEN GUIDE Web-house!

Current standing links

Be our Neighbor for FREE!
Chef's Anonymous!
Tool shed
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
alien guide's VIEW FROM HERE
This is the main web-house for the family
Our Medicine Cabinet
Our Homework Room!!(for any and all ages)

Greek texts, etc.,

GREETINGS!!! Glad you are here, it's good to be here. This site has access to a number of rooms and links. There are materials and links for us to explore the WWW (and I dont mean World Wide Wrestling) and the universe beyond. Currently I havent finished decorating so the rooms arent quite ready for company but if you are family COME ON IN!!! VISIT JOSHUA'S PLAYROOM NOWBY ENTERING HERE

There is a e-postcard site in our mailbox
If you can read the above revolving script and it is scrolling across the page and you like one-liners than try our NEW ROOM



Email: The Anderson's