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Do not link to any files located on this site. You may take any information you like as long as I get credit for it. If you choose to not follow these rules, this site will be shut down. You can link to only.

If I have stolen anyone else's hard work, just let me know and I will make it right. The pokedex information was designed and created by me and was aquired through game play.

Prof. Oak's Lab is in no way related or associated with: Gamefreak, Creatures, Warner Brothers, Nintendo of American, Nintendo of Japan, 4 Kids Entertainment, United Paramount Network or any other affiliates of the Pokemon Universe

Pokemon and it's respected names and pictures are copyrighted by: Gamefreak, Nintendo of America, Nintendo of Japan, Creatures and it's respective owners. National syndication rights are owned by Warner Brothers and all video sequences are sub-sequently copyrighted by them.

If anything is not to everyone's liking, e-mail me and I will do my best to make it right.

Main / Ask Prof Oak / How to Draw Pokemon / Comics / Cheats / Attacks / TMHM List / Items Use and Cost / Items Locations List / Shops List / Pokedex / My Pokemon / Gold and Silver / Pokemon Pinball / Emulation and ROMs / Multimedia / Links / Awards / Legal / E-mail me