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  • Magician Strategies

    Magicians are one of the coolest and most powerful classes in the game. They are masters of summoning things. Among the objects they can summon are pets. Once you hit level 4, Magicians can summon powerful elementals to do their bidding. This allows you to attack a mob while sitting on your butt and medding. Pets are like portable tanks, only you can control them. In addition to this versatile tool, you have the ability to summon weapons, food, water, bandages, and other miscellanious and useful objects. You also have powerful DD spells, second only to those of the Wizard. Magicians are a very versatile class,\ and a good deal of fun to play.

    Spell Ranks

  • Rank 1: 1 - 4
  • Rank 2: 4 - 8
  • Rank 3: 8 - 12

    General Strategies

  • Creating your Magician
  • Your role in a group
  • Soloing
  • Pet Management
  • Types of Pets
  • Summoning
  • Class links

  • Rank 1: 1 - 4
    This is a pretty basic and boring rank. The only notable spells are Burst of Flame, a DD, Minor Shielding, a self-only buff spell, and summon food/water. Always keep the shielding active, as it will save your butt several times. The DD is useful for pulling a mob to you, or casting in between hits. Summon food/water frees you from ever having to buy food again. Your melee skills are halfway decent at this level, so that is how you'll kill most of your foes. Stay solo, you want to get to level 4 as soon as possible, because things get a lot more interesting at...

  • Rank 2: 4 - 8
    This is where Magicians start to rock. You get your first pet spells, a new DD, Gate, and summon bandages. The pet spells are called "Elementalkin: Water/Fire/Earth/Air." This opens up a whole new world for you. More info on pets here. You will use these all the time from now on, so get used to them. The new DD is useful, as is Gate, which transports you back to your bind point. Summon bandages allows you to use the Bind Wound skill for free, which is nice since you don't have a healing spell. At this rank you can group or solo, whichever you prefer. I would suggest soloing, because once again, you want to get to Rank 3 fast

  • Rank 3: 9 - 14
    An awesome level for Magicians. New and more powerful pets are the main attraction here. However, there are a bunch of nifty spells here, like Eye of Zomm, which summons a floating eye that you can control. Basically, it allows you to scout an area before entering it, and you can cast spells from the eye, making it useful for pulling creatures without exposing yourself. You also get two new DD's, Shock of Blades and Flame Bolt. Note that to use this spell you must have a direct line-of-sight to your target. You'll also get Renew Elements, a pet-only healing spell. Also useful for your pets is Staff of Tracing, which summons a magical staff that you can give to your pet. Shield of Fire is a nice fire-based Damage Shield, and goes nicely with your pet. Finally we have Invisibility, which, surprisingly enough, makes the target invisible. This is pretty useful for a corpse run. At this rank, you can still solo or group, although grouping is preferable, simply because it's more fun.

  • Creating your Magician
    The main stat for Magicians is Intelligence. This determines how much mana you have. Five races can be Magicians: Dark Elves, High Elves, Erudites, Humans, and Gnomes. Of these, Humans are by far the worst, because they have very low Intelligence, as well as no night vision. All the others are relatively equal, but have their pros and cons. Dark Elves have high Intelligence but are evil, and therefore KOS in many places. Erudites have the highest Intelligence, but also have a really crappy starting point. Gnomes have high Intelligence and start in Steamfont, a great zone. High Elves have decent Intelligence, and a great starting location. Which race you pick is really a matter of preference.

  • Your role in a group
    The Magician is a multi-faceted class, and can do many things that are beneficial to a group.
    1. Nuking
      You can nuke pretty darn well, second only to Wizards. This is useful for stopping runners or speeding up a battle a little bit.
    2. Pets
      Sic your pet on the mob and watch it drop. Pets make great and expendable tanks, so send it right into the fray and whack away.
    3. Damage Shields
      Everyone loves these. Every time a mob whacks that person, it takes a few damage. The first DS you get is Shield of Fire. It only does a few damage, but that damage can really add up over time.
    4. Summoning
      You can summon all sorts of stuff useful to a group, like food, water, bandages, and weapons. These things will make life much easier for everyone involved.

  • Soloing
    Magicians are masters of solo, for a simple reason: pets. These guys can whack away at a mob, taking and receiving damage, while you sit and med. Stand up every once in a while and pop off a nuke, because if you don't outdamage your pet, it wil take half the experience from your kill, which is not cool. Always use your Damage Shields on the pet, because it makes the mob die quicker, which is always good. Soloing isn't too complicated, but there is one tactic you should know about. It's called Resummoning, and it will save your ass and allow you to take on mobs much higher than you. Basically, you have the pet attack the mob until it gets to about 1/4 health (find out its health by using /pet report health). Once it gets there, start casting a new pet spell. You can't summon a pet when another one exists, so when the pet spell gets to within 1 bubble of going off, type "/pet get lost" which makes the pet suicide. As soon as that one pops, a new one will appear - with full health. You can guess the rest.

  • Pet Management
    When used correctly, elementals will save you countless times and allow you to solo and group effectively. When used incorrectly, pets will get you killed time and time again. You have to know how to control your pet. A few notes on pet survivability: If you cast invisibility on yourself, the pet will do 32,000 damage to itself. Yeah, ouch. Also, pets disappear whenever you zone. This is really no fun either, but apparently unavoidable. There are a few basic commands you need to know:
    1. /pet follow me
      The pet follows you (duh), attacking only what you attack or what attacks you.
    2. /pet attack
      The pet attacks whatever you have targeted.
    3. /pet sit
      The pet sits down and rests, and won't do anything unless you're attacked or you give it another command.
    4. /pet back off
      The pet stops fighting and returns to your side, usually pulling the monster with it. If it gets hit, however, it will turn around and fight again. This makes pets a good "fishing line" as they can pull the monster to you if needed.
    5. /pet as you were
      The pet forgets any commands you gave it.
    You should have hotkeys made for each of these so you make commands instantly when needed.
    Controlling pets
    When you're in a dungeon, issuing the wrong command can send your pet flying off in an unknown direction, and you won't see it again until it comes running back to you, followed by 3 or 4 mobs. Keep your pet on a tight leash, and if it gets too far away from you, execute the "/pet get lost" command, which suicides the pet. Not fun, but necessary. If the pet is so far that it can't hear the command, you are in deep trouble. The only thing you can is cast invisibility on yourself.
    Keeping pets alive
    While in battle, execute the "/pet health report" command from time to time. The pet then lets you know its health status. If it gets too low, cast your pet healing spell, or have it back off, stand up, and cast some nukes at the mob to get its attention. Take some hits, and when your pet is healed (or you're low on health) sit down and send the pet in. If you manage your pet wisely, it should never die, except when you zone.
    Maximizing Pet Effectiveness
    Buff it, put Damage Shields on it, give it weapons (how about those summoned weapons you can get?). When giving pets weapons, remember that weapon delay doesn't matter, as the pets have their own delay stats. When summoning pets, you will usually get an elemental of equal level to the pet spell, plus or minus a few. It's always best to get a pet above the spell, and, if possible, above you. If you get a dud pet, cast the reclaim energy spell, which gives you mana in return for killing the pet, and summon a new one. Take care of your pet, and it will take care of you.

  • Pet Types
    There are four types of pets that you can summon: fire, earth, water, and air. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
    1. Earth
      This pet has immense hit points, but low agility. This means that it will take lots of hits, but can still keep going. It has the special ability of rooting the mob, which means that it won't come after you. It does average damage and has average delay. It tends to be below or equal to the level of the pet spell. This is the best pet for soloing, as the Root ability allows you to cast DD spells without worrying about the mob coming after you.
    2. Fire
      This pet is pretty amazing. It has a built-in fire-based damage shield, which is pretty incredible in its own right. Add to that the fact that this pet does the most damage of any elemental, and you have a powerful weapon. It tends to summon at or above the level of the pet spell, so it takes fewer hits than the Earth, but it also has low HP, so be prepared to take some blows or use the heal spell to keep it alive.
    3. Air
      One of the best pets out there, if you know how to use it. It casts invisibility on itself when not in combat, useful if you're a PvP player or you're infiltrating a dungeon. Also, with every attack it has a chance to proc Stun, which stuns the mob (duh) for a few seconds. With its short attack delay, this happens pretty often. This makes it great for attacking spellcasting mobs, as this can interrupt the spell. At higher levels, a popular trick is to give the Air pet two Gnoll Hide Lariats, which also have a chance to proc Stun... the mob will be Stunned 60% of the time. Dirty, but effective. This pet is very hard to hit.
    4. Water
      This pet does average damage and has an average delay, but it also has an excellent AC, meaning less hits, and a chance to proc a cold-based DD on the mob. Sweet! This is basically a well-rounded pet, and you will use it alot.
    Your two main pets at lower levels are Earth and Water, but the others have their moments. Get used to the pets, and your favorite will emerge.

  • Summoning
    Besides the obvious pets, mages can summon a good deal of stuff that is very useful in any situation. When you log out or go LinkDead, however, all of these items will disappear.
    1. Weapons
      The mage can summon some decent weapons, all of which are magic, and can hit magic creatures (ghouls, wisps). Give these weapons to your pets or group members, or equip one yourself.
    2. Supplies
      Mages can summon food, water, and bandages. This lets you save money, and your life, in the case of bandages.
    3. Containers
      Mages can also summon dimensional pockets, which weigh nothing and reduce the weight of objects in them to nothing as well. This is useful for carrying loot without being encumbered. However, it's important to note that like all other summoned objects, this will disappear when you log or go LD. And when it disappears, everything in it will disappear, too.

  • Class links
    Some of the best Magician sites on the web:
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