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  • Crushbone

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    Click for a detailed map
    of the region

    Crushbone is the home of the Crushbone Orcs. Located directly north of the elven city of Kelethin and northwest of the High Elven city of Felwithe, these two races are constantly at war with each other. Orcs venture out of their lair to wreak havoc in the Greater Faydark, and elves from the nearby cities come here in droves to lay some good old-fashioned smackdown on the ugly brutes. I would suggest being at least level 5 before venturing in here. At any level below that, almost everything in the zone can kill you easily. Once you're at that level, however, things get a lot better. This place is very profitable, money-wise. Almost all the orcs carry some sort of armor or weapon. Most of the Orc Centurions and Legionnaires carry Crushbone Belts, which can be used in a quest for more experience and money or just sold to another player. They usually fetch around 1 pp each in Greater Faydark. Solo or grouped, there are a few spots here that always pay off nicely. One is at the bridge that you face when you come out of the cave. If you step back from it a little, you can watch 4 spawn points at once. The other is at the other bridge, to the left of the cave exit. If you sit a little back from it with your back to the wall, you have access to a glorious 6 spawn points. There are also three higher-level areas that are often camped (groups recommended). One is on top of the hill you see just outside the entrance. Up here, a few orcs spawn, as well as the Orc Trainer, who sometimes carries the coveted Shiny Brass Shield. Another is off in the northwestern corner. This area is known as the slave pits, and a good group can pull from the nearby mines and get good, consistent EXP. There are a few disadvantages, however. One is that it's almost always crowded. As one of my hunting buddies so eloquently put it, "Crushbone? That place is a zoo!" Which pretty much sums it up. Try to avoid this by going on off-peak hours. Another danger are trains. Every twenty minutes or so you'll see a character running to the zone, pursued by a bunch of Orcs. Usually, a train consists of a few Legos, 2 or 3 high-level Centurions, and if you're really unlucky, a few Orcs from the castle. This is bad news. Stay away if you value your life.

    Final Verdict

    Soloing works best at levels 5-8. If you want to do that, come at off-peak hours to avoid the crowds. If you time it right you can make some serious cash and XP. Starting around 10, you can group and go after bigger fish in here.

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