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Castlevania: COTM




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Circle of the Night...Err, I mean Moon.

Publisher: Konami Developer: KCET Genre: Adventure Release: June 21, 2001

The Game Boy Advance was released on March 21st in Japan and sold over 650,000

 units on its first day. Not to shabby, eh? Never has a new game system seen so many

 quality games on its launch day and never has a system been so worthy of that honor.

 One of the forerunners in the GBA's new software is Konami's Castlevania: Circle of

 the Moon.  Although I've only witnessed the first two levels I can safely say this is one of the best damn games for the

 system. Let me point out my main affection for this game, which is the music. Ah, how beautiful it is to fall into a slumber

 with the COTM music playing in the background. The opening theme is nothing short of haunting and ominous and the

 quality is ripped  right out of the PSone Castlevania. Konami is at their best here and you'll agree come June. It's great to

 see inspirational games on handhelds once again. Check back on the 17th of May for a full hands-on impression of this

 game and then check back on June 11th for a full review. Until then take a close look at ALL these sweet ass pics!!!


Name: Nathan Graves

Story From The Castlevania Dungeon

Nathan is a student vampire hunter who is fighting alongside his rival Hugh Baldwin.

Their mission is to destroy the Count, who has been resurrected by the countess, Carmilla.

They go on the adventure with their teacher who gets kidnapped by the counts dark army.

It is up to Nathan and Hugh to get him back. Thanks to the Castlevania Dungeon for the info.





Update 03/27/01

New Media from Daily Radar. These pictures show off just how sweet this game is. Check back for more.

 cotm7.jpg (49371 bytes) cotm8.jpg (41261 bytes) cotm9.jpg (49819 bytes) cotm10.jpg (58300 bytes)


Old Media

COTMbox.jpg (275348 bytes)cotm4.jpg (53813 bytes) cotm5.jpg (67917 bytes)




All pictures courtesy of and Planet Gamecube



Duh uh oh.