Won't You Touch My Pink Ball?Publisher: Nintendo Developer: HAL Laboratory Genre: Action Release: June 20, 2000 Buy Now
GraphicsIf you're familiar with Super Smash Bros. then you know what to expect here. Richly colored characters and backgrounds make for a very elaborate trip through Kirby's world. The game moves through a fully 3D world on a 2D plain. This means you move left and right in what appears to be a vast inhabited world. At first this sounds ridiculous but it is the best way to play Kirby. The camera will adjust to map the movement of Kirby as he rotates through winding levels giving the game a pseudo 3D feel. The framerate never slows and is always very fluid a la Smash Bros. No complaints here I just wished we got more games like this from Nintendo. (Metroid?)
SoundTypical cutesy sound effects are attached to this game to entertain the eleven year olds. Kirby spits out little phrases of gibberish that make me want to say, "Aw." What is cool is the music. Although not every track is up to par with the rest I give you my word that these are some really nostalgic tunes. Some tracks even sound like they're right out of a Final Fantasy game. Others are very melodic while others are fast and complex. Too bad Nintendo doesn't put out huge soundtracks of their games here.
GameplayLike most Nintendo games this is where Kirby 64 truly shines. This hands down is the most innovative battle system that I've ever played with. Kirby can suck up a certain enemy and gain his ability such as a fireball attack. What gets really intense is when you combine that fireball attack with another enemy with say the cutter ability, which gives Kirby a giant flaming sword. This is only an example as the game has several combinations that you will spend most of your time with experimenting and toying. The game consist of many worlds that are split up into four levels each. Three main platform levels and one boss battle make for one world. Formulaic but enjoyable. I urge all who passed this game up because of its "E" rating to give it a try. Let yourself go and enter the world of Kirby.
LongevityDrinking games. Whoever gets 1st or 4th place has to chug a beer or take a shot. 2nd and 3rd place take a break. It's that simply. How is this accomplished you ask? Multiplayer mini-games my friend. Kirby has three addictively simple party games in the vein of Mario Party. There could have been more but I'll take what I get. It would've been cool if they included the air board surfing game as an extra. Kirby 64 was originally planned to be a air board racing game but got scrapped and redesigned. There is always next time right? Well I'm not complaining because simply put Kirby 64 is a great game that ends too soon. Great content but not enough. All I have to say is play again and you'll appreciate it all the more.
Overall: 85%-Clay Withrow |