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Metroid 2




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Metroid 2

Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Intelligent Systems Genre: Adventure Release: 1991

m2pkusf.jpg (97493 bytes)Samus is back on the new Nintendo systems so I thought it fitting to do a special on her one and only Game Boy game, which took place very soon after Metroid on the NES. This game was light-years ahead of any other game on the platform and took the series to new heights with improved graphics, huge levels and all new items. It is still great to play today even with games like Metal Gear Solid and Mario Tennis taking up the spotlight. The game starts you off on the homeworld of the metroids, SR388, which requires players to explore the dark cavernous temples and chambers of the alien spawn. The game's only lacking feature was the map option that we all grew to love in Metroid 3 for SNES. At the beginning you have no special armor or weapons and must search the first area to gain such abilities. The flipside to this Metroid is that you already have the ball morph and missile ability so you have immediate access to those tight areas. The first thing you'll notice about the game is how large Samus is on screen when compared to her tiny counterpart in the first installment. She is highly detailed and has a more curvaceous design to her suit. The next big thing to notice is the little information box covering the bottom of the screen. This is made up of energy, missile supply and what's this? A counter of how many metroids you've killed! You will be required to terminate all forty of the metroid lives on this planet. The first one appears at the beginning down a long tunnel and then down a long corridor left, which leads you to a hibernating metroid. It is not hibernating for long however as it becomes animated and tries to destroy you. This is the first battle in the game and it is an awesome way to start the quest. The music gets really maniacal and the tension grows high. After several well placed rocket blast the battle is over and then the next dilemma occurs. The entire room starts shaking violently with no evidence as to what is causing the disturbance. This is what I love about the game. It constantly keeps you on your toes and always grabs your attention. Sure, you may get lost every now and then but that will only occur a few times. In fact I believe this is the most linear Metroid game ever as you are constantly going in a forward direction more or less. The game is divided into several sections that need to be rid of their metroid families. The best part is you'll meet the whole metroid family on your little outing. 









Like what you see? Well prepare yourself for some very intense battles. Those cute little faces want to rip your balls out and stuff them in your eye sockets while singing "Jimmy Crack Corn"!!!! Obviously the Omega and Zeta's will pose the biggest threat as they are the most evolved of the species. The first ten to twelve battles include many alphas with the occasional blend of Gammas but it is a deadly surprise when you come face to face with the giant Omega Metroid. As the game progresses though you gain more missiles for your inventory as well as gun upgrades. You start with a puny pea shooter, which eventually evolves into an ice beam, which eventually changes to a spazer, wave and plasma. The coolest new move that Samus learns in this game that she doesn't carry over into the legendary M3 is her spiderball move that allows her to cling to ceilings and walls. This proves very useful when trying to avoid large groups of enemies or even finding hidden rooms. But of course I've saved the best for last and this would lead me to the final boss. Now I don't want to give anything away but this has to be the best goddamn boss battle ever on the GB. Welcome to the Metroid Queen.

That picture above as well as all the other pictures is taken from the fantastic website The Metroid Database. You can clearly see how large she is when you take into account that the entire screen is her! This is a fairly difficult boss battle because it requires players to freeze her while her mouth is agape and then shoot several rockets into it. It is a long and arduous battle that eventually ends with a sweet animation of the Queen falling apart. The game doesn't end there, no sir! After the mighty boss has fallen you must enter the cave from which she crept. Inside you'll notice a small egg moving just slightly. When it hatches a cute little metroid baby springs forth and makes Samus her new mother. After this little introduction Samus leads the baby to her ship where they both leave the planet and the heritage of the metroids behind. Thus the game ends. I also want to point out that the ending is very cool as it is different depending on how long it takes you to complete the journey. The better you do the less garb Samus is wearing. Nice. After playing this game again I'm very excited to see what Intelligent Systems and Retro Studios are going to accomplish with the series on the new platforms. The saga continues in Metroid 3 for SNES, which you should not miss out on either. Until then, keep those arm blasters smoking!


All pictures taken from The Metroid Database. The only source of information on the Metroid series.