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April 28th

After A Hard Night of Drinking

Drinks.JPG (57006 bytes)After a hard night of drinking I bring you good news and tidings of a day without much news. Of

 course I'll go over all the tidbits but I thought I'd offer something more valuable, awesome website

 links! Below are some articles about the sites I visit most often including the Mega Man Homepage, Atari 7800

 Homepage and some others  that will provide you with insight to some entertainment you may be missing out on.

 (Mega Man!)


No PS2 Price Cut

There will be no price reduction on the Playstation 2 says Sony Representatives and there will be no announcement

at E3 either. I expected as much so I guess I'll just buy a GameCube instead. 


Shinning Force Coming

If you haven't heard the rumor yet then you will now. Camelot makers of Mario Golf and Mario Tennis 

are supposedly collaborating with Sega to make a Shinning Force game for the GameCube. Although no

specific details are certain you can be sure we'll spot this game at E3.


Mega Man Homepage

Since this is such a slow day I figured I'd take the time to reveal to you some truly great sites that you should check

out or forever be damned. Since one of my favorite game series of all time is Mega Man I thought it appropriate to

mention one of the best sites for the series. Mega Man Homepage is loaded with crucial information on every

Mega Man and Rock Man game even the rare Sega Genesis version. If you're stuck in a certain area of any

MM game this site has detailed FAQ's to help you through the tough parts. Another great site I visit every now

and then is, which not only lets you order old refurbished Atari systems but accessories as well. 

I highly recommend checking these sites out if you have time.


April 27th

Castlevania Chronicles Sees Release

Finally we have word on the set release date for the much anticipated remake of this classic. Konami announced

the game would ship to Japanese retailers on May 24th. Expect to see a June or July release for the States with

Europe right behind. Also remember this is the first of a series of Castlevania releases so we can look forward

to a flashy Castlevania 2! Stay tuned into Grindhouse for the latest. 


Good News For Sega Fans...

...In Europe that is! Sega announced a price reduction on its software affective immediately with the release of

Skies of Arcadia. The price is going from the standard $57 to $43 in US dollars of course. Now all we need

is a hot dog and cheap games here and we'll be fine. Come Sega give our $19 Dreamcast games! Source: FGN


April 25th

Acclaim Comes Through @ E3

Previous reports stated that Acclaim would not show its GameCube line-up at this year's E3 but a recent report 

from Nintendojo revealed the facts. Acclaim will indeed show all of their GC games at this year's convention. 


EA Finally Lets The Cat Out

Similar to Acclaim EA stated that it would support the Cube at launch and throughout its life cycle. So now EA,

Acclaim, Sega, Capcom and Activision have revealed launch plans. That only leaves Nintendo themselves. Let's

hope the Cube's opening day isn't as saturated as the PS2 launch.


I Had a Dream

Although this is not news related I thought I would inform you of my latest dream. I don't remember the details but

what does stick in my mind is when I received Red Alarm for the Virtual Boy. Many of you may not remember this

game as the Virtual Boy sunk upon delivery when it launched. Red Alarm was one of the systems best games and I

had a dream about it. I have a Virtual Boy with Mario Clash, Mario Tennis and Wario Land so if any of you would

like to donate Red Alarm to GHG feel free. That's it for news.


April 21st

Bleem! for DC Ships

It is not what you think though. It is a $5.95 product that plays Gran Turismo 2 for the PSone with anti-aliased

graphics and overall improved graphics. Not a bad deal but it's not the original plan that would allow you to play

all PSone games on your DC. More on this exciting product as news surfaces.


3rd Party Update

Konami, Acclaim and Capcom announced that they will not be showing any games for the Cube at this years

E3 although they have several games in development for the platform. This news was told to IGN Cube by US

representative so there could very well be games from those respective companies without notice. Don't be 

surprised to see Biohazard 0 at the show.


Acclaim Announces 5 Games for GC

Acclaim recently announced its support of the Nintendo GameCube by stating it would be developing five games that

would be ready for the November US launch. The games are Crazy Taxi, All-Star Baseball, Quarterback Club 

2002, Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 and Extreme G3. I love Crazy Taxi and used to play the QB Club series

 back on the N64 but this is very good news for Nintendo. If at least three of these games can see launch then that

 gives the Big N an advantage.


April 1st-13th, 2001

Sega Gives Gamers Shenmue 2!!!!

At the recent Sega Game Jam Event held in Japan just this last weekend. The show spotlighted Shenmue 2 and

Phantasy Star Online Version 2 to gamers and was a great success. Read up on it here.


Rumors of Sonic on GameCube?

GC rumors are going to be flooding the news for the next four weeks so get used to it. Sources close to Underground

affiliates at IGN mentioned that an agreement has come between Sega and Nintendo to do a version of Sonic and 

Shenmue on the GameCube! Good news if I may say so. This may be the final nail in Sony's first place coffin if

sources are correct. More soon. 


GameCube Delay Imminent

Computer & Videogames stated earlier that a source close to Nintendo divulged the info about the delay.

While this news won't affect the US release it could set the Japanese release back by a month. If a month means

more games at launch than this is a fine announcement. 


Sega Box!!!!

The Tokyo Gaming Show, which just took place, marked the announcement of several big Sega franchises coming to

 the Xbox this fall. Of all the games announced to be Xbox exclusives the bigger know ones were, Jet Grind Radio

 Future, Panzer Dragoon Legend, Sega GT2 and several others. Now there really is a reason to buy the Xbox. This

 leaves many other Sega games for the Gamecube. Now that the PS2 and Xbox got their share of Sega goodness that

 leaves Sonic, Shenmue and Daytona USA for the GC!!!