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For the weeks of 2/1 through 3/16

Xbox Cost What?

We've all heard the rumors about the $400 price tag on the new Xbox but is it

true? Sources say we won't know until E3 or another Microsoft gamer's event. 

That price seems a little out of reach doesn't it? Only time will tell.


So You Want To Call It FPA?

Ok, the whole Metroid being a FPS thing has died down quite a bit now but what is

left in the rubble? At IGNcube it mentions many interesting methods that would be applied

to M4. For instance when the player approaches a narrow cave that is too low for Samus

to walk through the camera auto-switches to a 3rd person perspective. This is a great idea

that could turn this stale genre into something a little more original. Stay tuned.


Nintendo Talk With Meatballs

Recently officials from EA stated that they have at least two games in development

for the Gamecube launch; Madden and SSX. I think this is good news for casual 

gamers as I could really give a f%*$ right now. I'm not crazy about Madden, and SSX

was okay on the PS2. I'm looking forward to 1080° 2 though as well as Wave Race Cube.

More news from Sega leaked out that they have received GC dev kits from Nintendo, which

only means Shenmue 2 and 3. Well maybe not but I can hope. Hell I'd settle for any Sega game.


Sega Steals Headlines this week

The highly anticipated Shenmue 2 will be released in the US next November for

the ill-fated Dreamcast alongside games such as Crazy Taxi 2 and Jet Grind

Radio 2. How could so many great games do a system so wrong? Also look

out for Phantasy Star Online in retail stores now. It is not only a monumental game

but it comes packed in with a Sonic Adventures 2 demo. Pull out the Ritz and cheese

whiz, it'll be a long night. Does everybody remember the movie Wizard? Man I miss the

old days.


Sega Confirms Game Boy Development

According to IGN Sega already has games in development for the Game Boy Advance. 

Don't even get me started as to what old Sega games I want to see on GBA. With Nintendo 

and Sega finally working together things are heating up in the system wars!


Sega Finally Blows Its Horn?

Rumors have spread like fire this week as the latest topic is Sega leaving

the console wars as of March. The company claims to cease all production

of its Dreamcast units at the end of March and concentrate on software only. 

This is very sad indeed because I was a huge supporter of the Dreamcast. I have

learned that Sega will continue to support the DC with all-new games for the

rest of the year. This means Shenmue 2 will still come out next fall for our favorite
