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Paper Mario




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Better Than Rice Paper?

Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Intelligent Systems Buy Now 

The release of Paper Mario has come and gone but with it the onslaught

of positive and negative criticism remains. Most people not part of the

Nintendo camp feel that this game is vastly under par when compared

to Square's classic rpg. Even my stubborn friend who is quick to go with

the flow would point out that he enjoyed the original Mario RPG to Paper

Mario. I expected such an opinion because most people try to implement

their intellectualism but always fall far short. (Don't tell them this because they

won't understand) I'll tell you right now that Paper Mario is a better game than

Super Mario RPG. Is it a better RPG? Well because so many RPG fans believe

their IQ goes up after finishing a Square game then no. I don't recall my IQ changing

one bit after playing Paper Mario, then again I don't remember that happening to me while playing

a Square game. (Even Secret of Mana) Paper Mario is an RPG/Adventure. It is not conventional

in everyway but who the hell cares? Was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon conventional? 

No and that is the reason it didn't do to well in the box office. People want to know

what the theme of a game or movie is before they go adventuring with Mario or Chow

Yun Fat. Paper Mario is the product of many genres including RPG, adventure, puzzle and

platform. Before all you Square otaku's start flipping out let me fill you in you nose picking,

dick jerking, shortsighted fool. The creator of Paper Mario is known as Intelligent Systems.

Sound familiar? No? Of course. You've had your head up your ass playing...What are we on

now? Final Fantasy 19? Almost old enough to buy alcohol, eh? Anyways IT (Intelligent Systems)

started early in Nintendo's grand and illustrious career. Gumpei Yokoi (we will always remember you)

 can be credited for most if not all of IT's early games but is mainly noted for Metroid and the

Game Boy handheld system. His team, comprised of incredibly talented engineers at NOJ went on

to create one of Nintendo's biggest Japanese franchises, Fire Emblem, which in turn is bigger than

Final Fantasy over there. Just a short list of games that you should be familiar with is in check before

I embark on this review. (Don't worry I'll be it short) Metroid, Kid Icarus, Metroid 2, Dr. Mario, 

Super Metroid, Mario Paint, Fire Emblem Series, Card Hero and Paper Mario are just a few. Pioneers

of gameplay are the words that I would venture to use when describing this company. Ok, ok. I think 

we've heard enough of my ramblings, on to MARIO!!!!



I've heard reports that Intelligent Systems had many problems with the N64 architecture and that

is what prevented them from releasing more than one game on the system. That isn't to say PM is

very colorful and vibrant but it lacked the depth in visuals than say, my favorite of 2000, Majora's

Mask. When the camera would zoom in on the characters it was apparent they were a little too

blocky. Although the world was rendered in beautiful 3D graphics, the sprite based character were

just so-so in terms of visual appeal. Let me inject that this does not detract from the game at all, I

promise. Like I mentioned earlier the worlds are amazingly lush with sunny green fields and detailed

countryside. Spell animations are very intense as well with grand color schemes and Mario-esque attributes.

How could I leave out the clever gimmick of the game? The paper thin characters. At first one might think

this is a bit weird and unusual but let me assure you it is something you must experience. I would have had it

no other way. The game is not a Conker BFD or Majora's Mask in graphics but then again that's not its




Very nostalgic. The music is upbeat and lighthearted with many memorable tunes from the very

first Mario game. I loved the music and would recommend getting the soundtrack if possible. The

sound effects are pretty standard but are welcome in the surreal world of Mario. No grippes here. 

The game mingled perfectly with its sound. 



The meat and potatoes. This is by far one of the most superior games of 2000 (being released in 

Japan in 2000) in terms of innovation. The idea of choosing only one character to do battle gives the

game a more minimalist feel and at the same time give it its own uniqueness. Each of the worlds encompasses

its own puzzles to solve in order to find the missing star piece. Within each world players will find new

partners, which are the coolest feature in the game. Once a new ally is acquired Mario is able to travel on

previously unattainable terrain. The helpers are also used in battle and can perform their own moves that can

actually be upgraded two levels. While we're on the subject of upgrading let me mention how Mario levels.

Once enough stars are obtained Mario will go up on level but then it is up the player to choose which attribute

the little plumber must master. You can choose between more hit points, more flower power or more badge

points. Raising your hit points means you can take more abuse while increasing the amount of flower power

points means more magic spells on bad guys. Gaining more badge points lets Mario wear special items that

give him unique powers. This is a very balanced game. Call it old fashion or call it artsy, I don't care. If you

only buy a few N64 games in your life please, please do not over look this master piece. 



Surprisingly I've been spending much time with Paper Mario even after I beat it. Although the game can take

you up to 20 hours to complete there are hundreds of secrets to collect. There is also a hidden mini-game

in the same vein as Super Mario RPG's casino that lets players gain money by playing some fun puzzle games. 

Oh, you'll also want to find Luigi's hidden diary because it divulges some interesting text that leads some to

see hidden meaning. I won't tell you what it says because I want you to find out on your own. If you need

any help then go to IGN's site and check out their Paper Mario help guide. Until next time "keep those 

joysticks smoking!".


Overall: 90%

-Evil Romero

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