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We Hate EGM




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GabeClay.JPG (414712 bytes)Welcome to our first ever exclusive feature. Ok so it's not that big of a deal but it stands for something dammit! As we all know there are still lingering feelings towards EGM concerning their May issue with Crash on the cover. It wasn't the cover story that caused the dispute but a single review from some hardheaded "journalist". Now I'd like to point out how in the hell EGM could possible expect us to take them seriously when they have ten reviewers? How can we draw a consistent conclusion towards a game's content when we have a different guy reviewing it every time? Remember back in the old days when EGM was comprised of only four guys who always reviewed every game? That was the most efficient way in my mind because you could find an editor with your taste. Nowadays we have a game like "High Heat Major League Baseball 2002" for the PSone, which gets an 8.0 from a Mr. Todd and then goes on to receive a 2.5 from Kraig. Am I missing something here? So how exactly are you supposed to decide on a game when Kraig and Todd don't even review other games in the same issue? Not only is the review a joke but the scores are haphazardly all over the board. EGM is in the stage GamePro was during its declining years. At least Nintendo Power has consistent reviews every issue. My comrade Michael will comment on this serious issue shortly so stay tuned. Oh, by the way that is a picture of my brother and I while at work. He's the one making the funny face and I'm the one in total disbelief.


First Take a look at my first reaction to the review.

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