A game which lies shrouded in mystery, seen in advertisements and mail order forms. Forgotten and gone unnoticed by many. Others have often wondered what happened to this mysterious game.
Color Dreams had planned a super cart. This "super cart" could be used to give an 8-bit game 16-bit graphics. Color Dreams used this super cart technology to produce two games, Koala Chase, which was used to try out this technology, and Hellraiser, which was the game Color Dreams planned on marketing. This game of course never came out. I do find it interesting that all these unlicensed companies have big plans for neato acessories that never make it. I'd better not head down that track for that is a different story all together.
Hellraiser was scrapped for many a reasons. Manufacturing the super cart would have been expensive. The cart would have probably costed buyers around $80 US and I am sure many wouldn't pay that much for an unlicensed Nintendo cart. Anyone remember Action 52? There was another reason why Hellraiser wasn't released too. Hellraiser was supposed to be gory and gory games don't do well with the NES. Parents probably wouldn't be too happy when there children would play Hellraiser. It still would have been interesting.
Maybe a Nintendo version of Hellraiser never got complete, but maybe it did too. Color Dreams had also planned a Hellraiser game for the PC. I think that there was a demo of it up and running and it would have been released yet by that time, Doom was out. Doom would have made Hellraiser look bad.
Many people think that Hellraiser was never up and running, butI think it was. Several of the workers have told me that the game was up and running. Roger Deforest told me that "the programmer on Hellraiser got the graphics in and the monsters working. It was all very bare bones stuff, but it was getting there and looked like it'd be fun. And then it was abandoned again for other titles." Others say that Hellraiser was never far along before scrapped. I think Hellraiser was probably up and running on some batch of floppies somewhere. I guess we won't know though.
Roger Deforest worked on some of the graphics for the PC HellRaiser and he sent them in to me. He did the title screen and a few of the badguys. They all look very impressive.