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Days is WARPED!!!

Kinder Gentler Doggie Style? [You be the judge]!

Hot Links!!!!

Days Drinking Game!!!!

Knock some sense into Chloes thick skull!!!!(Link Fixed)

Steal Donuts from Hope!!!

Musings on characters past and present

New! FanFic : It's always Full Moon in Salem

New! FanFic : Sami's Bad Fur Day

Flames to /dev/null, comments to : CajunDoggie
Page Design Copyright (c) 2001. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer : If you didn't like my old page, you won't like this one either. I have no association with Days of our Lives, and whatever copyrighted content may be found on this site was not 'borrowed' from NBC by yours truly. This site contains material that may be considered offensive by rabid fans and uses colorful language that some people (who grew up in a bomb shelter) may find offensive. Have a good day.