~*~Jamie-chan's Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive~*~
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Hello everyone! My name is Jamie, and you can call me Jamie-chan. Welcome to my Gundam Wing fanfic site! Here, you'll find Yaoi, Lemon, Lime, Het, Yuri, and Vidfics (once I get them all)! I have no problem with any of the above.

To send me a fic, e-mail me at this address. To read the guidlines, go here. Don't worry, there aren't many, and they aren't too strict! I hate ultra-strict guidelins -- NO yaoi, ONLY yaoi, NO yuri, ONLY yuri, NO relena, PRO-relena... It's a pain!!!!!!! If I have any broken links, please notify me.

NOTICE: Everyone who has submitted fics to me and either not recieved a reply or not seen their work put up, PLEASE email me! Likely is that I lost your fic AND your email!!! In the process of clearing my Inbox, I deleted many fics and Emails I did NOT HAVE SAVED! This goes out especially to Sarah and Blue!!!!!


My Fics
Non-Yaoi/Yuri/Shounen Ai/Shoujo Ai Fics
Yaoi/Yuri/Shounen Ai/Shoujo Ai Fics
NEW - !!Midis!!

_Feature Authors_

Sara and Blue

Friend's Sites,
General Sites of Interest,
Other GW Sites

Voice of the Mist's Site - Mistlands

Darkflame (aka Chibi Trowa)'s Gundam Wing fanfic site - great place!

I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T. W.O.M.E.N. One of Demeter's sites. Demeter is one of our feature writers.

Proud to be PRO RELENA!Proud to be PRO WUFFY!
Open your Mind open your Heart - Pro Yaoi/Yuri

~|*|~Jamie-chan's Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive~|*|~ GuestBook

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READ it!


This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.
03-24-02 Ummm preeeetty much all I did was alter the ring code above. *sighs* I know I have a lot of new stuff to add, but my site Pretty Soldier Sailor Cosmos: Eternal Blue has taken up almost all of my time.
12-23-01 I have, as you can see if you're a vet of this site, changed the layout of the Index page. Changes in other areas may come later. I *heart* tables ^-^
12-22-01 Added Jamie-chan's Midis! Currently has Final Fantasy 2 midis, Sailor Moon midis, and Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross midis. Will eventually have Gundam Wing, Evangelion, Tenchi Muyou!, and more!
12-22-01 Added Elffy-chan's fic, Twist of Fate.
12-15-01 Added Elffy-chan's fic, Waltz With Me. ^^
12-13-01 Added Elffy-chan's fic, And Then He Smiled! Elffy-chan's first ^^ And our first submission in a while...
9-2-01 Added Teng's fic, , our 1st Crossover, "Labyrinth". Moved all Yaoi/Yuri fanfics to /yaoiyuri directory. Moved all Nonyaoi fanfics to /nonyaoi directory. Moved all crossover fanfics to /crossovers directory. That is all.
9-1-01 Added Ken's fic, Here's to the Night, a vidfic.
8-25-01 Added fics by Blue and Sara in Nonyaoi Section. Includes: The Moment of Arrival, Huston We Have No Cheese, and others.
8-23-01 Created Contests! Go and see! Enter, even! The current contests will be running until December 31, 2001!
7-11-01 Placed all of Demeter's fics into a new DIRECTORY. The links elsewhere may not be functioning, as I may not have yet altered them to lead to their new home in the directory. Also added Scars: Chapter Four by Demeter.
4-26-01 Added "Relena Essay" to nonyaoi section. By Demeter. I suggest all pro- and anti-Relena activists should go and read that! It's well thought out, and gets right to the point.
4-23-02 Added "Big Man with a Big Gun" to Non-Yaoi section. This is a lemon by Beck. Added "Shattered" by Demeter to nonyaoi section.
2-26-01 Added "War and Pacifism" by Demeter to the Non-Yaoi Section.
10-26-00 Added "Virgin State of Mind", Lady Robyn's - and this site's! -- 1st Yaoi Lemon to Yaoi section. Huzzah! Added "Scars: Part Two" by Demeter to the Yaoi Section. Added "Wedding Plans and Many Hands" by Haruka and Makoto to the Yaoi Section.
10-26-00 Added "Bishonen Boys and the Quest for the Holy Gundam" to Yaoi section.
10-23-00 Added "Scars" to Yaoi section.
10-21-00 Added "The Love of Shinigami" to Yaoi section. Will be adding more by Demeter soon.
10-2-00 Added prelude and first chapter of "Forever Lost" by Demeter to Yaoi section.
BIG UPDATE!!! (9-26-00) I just put in the second fic, "Hidden Love" by Demeter! She's one of my BEST friends!!! Please read it!!

9-25-00 and previous Began this site mid-September of 2000.

Email: vampgirl0009@yahoo.com