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Section Operatives


Code name:unknown
Status:Head Computer Technician

Birkoff was brought into Section One very early and has lived here all his life. His technical abilities are a very good asset and he contributes much to Section. Seymore Birkoff lives in Section and is hardly ever seen outside except during missions. His weaknesses are many but his ability to conquer them are even stronger. When confronted against a terrorist he is able to defend himself from attack and also recover from this assault. He shows some signs of compassion helping out other operatives. This, we believe, can easily be dealt with. Analysis, his addition to Section is beneficial on the whole.

Analysis done by Stephanie N, Personal files

Birkoff is played by Matthew Ferguson who was born on Toronto Island in Canada. Just a bit of information I'm getting from the La Femme Nikita X-Posed book but at the age of 5 he was part of a human chain designed to block bulldozers from turning the place from a community into a park. He is a Canadian actor who can also be seen on screen in movies such as The English Patient, Eclipse, and The Long Kiss Goodnight.


Code name:Unknown
Status:Head Weapons Technician

Walter is head of weapons Technician. His ability to create new weapons has benefited Section greatly. He has been a part of Section for many years. His strengths are in his technology. Successful missions have benefited from his weaponry and designs. His weakness seems to be women and his compassion. He shows too much emotion and has too many lingering emotions. After Belinda's cancellation, he has held a grudge over Section. We do not yet know if this is affecting his ability to perform Section duties. However, his knowledge in weapon technology has given Section the winning edge in many combats. His compassion can be overlooked by his knowledge in his field, for now.

Analysis done by Stephanie N, Personal files

Walter is played by Don Francks, a Canadian actor from Vancouver. He is a very sweet man and can be seen in movies such as Johnny Mnemonic, Mission Impossible, and Finian's Rainbow. He also does many voices for commercials and animated series.

Nikita/Michael Operations/Madeline Section One

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