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Section One Operatives


Name: Paul Wolfe a.k.a Operations
Code Name: Unauthorized Data
Status: Head of Section one

Operations is a cruel heartless man and head of Section. He yields the most power and it's suspected that he uses this for personal gain. He is also helping Saddam Hussein to stay in power. There does seem to be some form of attraction or past history between Madeline. His ability to conduct mission and overall knowledge of Section is admirable. He is under constant pressure and handles everything well. His health is very good as well. His weakness is his son. He would go against Section protocol to save his son who was a terrorist. He is a very strong dictator and will run Section for some time still.

Analysis by Stephanie N, Personal files

Operations is played by Eugene Roberts Glazer. He is from Brooklyn New York. Earlier, he was into the stock market until he decided to pursue his passion for acting. He has appeared on stage, movies, shows such as The Crucible, Charlie's Angels, and The Silken Laummen Story. His acting ability is amazing and his portrayal of Operations is done to perfection.


Name: Madeline
Code Name:Unauthorized Data
Status: Master strategist and Second in charge of Section One

Madeline is a heartless woman called the "Iron Maiden". Her weakness' are very few and shows the most emotional stability within Section. She is known to have many relationships with other male operatives within Section. She is head strategist and interrogations and is the one who will ultimately decide whether an individual will live or die. Her few weaknesses were for her late husband, and her mother. She shows little compassion for anyone. She is strict, to the point, and heartless. All are needed assets of Section.

Analysis by Stephanie N, Personal files

Madeline is played by Alberta Watson, a Canadian actress. Her name is actually Faith. She dropped out of school at the age of 15 to join the Toronto theatre company. She played a role in Kane & Abel, Outer Limits, The Sweet Hereafter, and Hackers.

Nikita/Michael Birkoff/Walter Section One

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