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Section Operatives


Name: Nikita
Code Name: Josephine
Mentor: Michael Samuelle
Status: Level 2 Field Operative

-Nikita is an operative who is experiencing many problems adjusting to Section's ways. She is highly skilled but her greatest weakness comes with her compassion for people. There also seems to be a relationship going on between Michael and her. We highly suspect she has tried to leave Section before. She has shown signs of mutiny against us siding with Adrian in a past mission. She is still not up to Sections standards in regards to the rebellious tendencies. However, we have found a way for her compassion to benefit our purposes. -Nikita has started to adjust to Section One. She has become one of our most highly skilled operatives. Her relationship with Michael is not affecting her missions. Therefore, we have allowed it to continue.

Analysis done by Sections Operative Stephanie N, Personal files

An Australian actress named Peta Wilson plays Nikita. This is her first major role in a TV series. When she first tried out for the part of this young run-away she was also trying out for two other roles. She chose one and turned them down later. The second part she took was later given to someone else. Finally, she found her place as Nikita. Her own ideas for the show that made it different from that of Luc Besson's film was the innocence she brought to her character. Rather than making her a killer she has portrayed Nikita as a victim of circumstance. She is now 27 years old living in Toronto. She is currently in a relationship. Peta has appeared on many talk shows such as Rosie O'Donnell, Donnie and Marie, and the Dini Petty show. She has also starred in films such as, "Mercy," and "The Sadness of Sex." Peta Wilson was born on November 11, 1970. When she was first born her father received news that she was a boy and named her Peter. Her father, Darcy, was an army man. She grew up as an "army brat." A year later her brother, Rob, was born. She grew up in Papua New Guinea. Her and her brother were the only white children in the neighbour hood. Early on her parents divorced and Peta went to live with her mother. Peta has a great love for animals and had many pets including baby crocodiles. Her favourite show was "I Dream of Jeanie." On the set Peta is a tomboy. She enjoys fighting scenes more than the love scenes. She eventually went into modeling to help make money. She fought bouts of bulimia and anorexia. Slowly she recovered. In 1991, Peta left her home for the United States to study acting. The way she won the role of Nikita was by dressing down and very ragged, as her character would have appeared in the beginning. After she threw terrorized the place she turned into a sweet girl. The producers saw the transformation and knew she was the one for the role. She's appeared on the first issue of GEAR, been on the best dressed and worst dressed list. She's been on various talk shows and started a cult following of Nikita fans. She is now filming the fifth season.

Filmography: Mercy, 1999
                   One of Our Own, 1998
                   Naked Jane, 1995
                   The Sadness of Sex, 1995
                   A Woman Undone, 1995
                   Loser, 1995
Television:    La Femme Nikita, 1997
                   Vanishing Point, 1997
                   Strangers, 1996
                   Highlander, 1996


Name: Michael Samuelle
Code Name: Jacque
Mentor: None
Status: Level 5 Field Operative

-Michael, level 5 operative. He is an exceptional operative in line to succeed Operations. He performs at 100% and continues to progress physically and mentally. However, he has one weakness, his relationship with Nikita has made him choose between Section and Nikita. Further analysis is required into his capabilities. He shows little emotion and is capable of getting things done in Section. He lets very little get in the way of getting things done.

-Michael has begun to show signs of rebellion. His relationship with Nikita has often made him weak. He has attempted to go against Section protocol to save Nikita's life. This is unacceptable. He is also in line to take over Operation's position.

Analysis done by Section operative Stephanie N, Personal files

Roy Dupuis is the actor who plays Michael. He is Canadian born and raised in Montreal. He has starred in many french movies and is well known for his talents. He has appeared in movies such as Screamers, Million Dollar Babies, and Being at Home with Claude. He is 35 years old and owns a farm in Quebec. Currently he does have a girlfriend who has appeared on a past episode of LFN. He was born on April 21, 1963. He has an older sister, Roxanne, and a younger brother, Roderick. He is shy but is out-going when it comes to sports especially ice hockey. He has even played the role of Maurice Richard in a film. His father is Roi. His mother is Ryna. He grew up in Ontario for some time and learned to speak english His best friend, Michelle, inspired him to audition for the National Theatre School. Although Michelle wasn't accepted, he was accepted. His fame came when he played Ovila in "Filles de Caleb." He continued on and won the role of Michael. His future goals are to star in films and produce a documentary.

Filmography: Hemoglobin, 1997
                    Aire Libre, 1997
                    J'en Suis!, 1997
                    L'homme ideal, 1996
                    Waiting for Michaelangelo, 1996
                    Screamers, 1995
                    C'Etait le 12 du 12 et chili avait les bleus, 1994
                    Cap Tourmente, 1993
                    Entangled, 1993
                    Being at Home with Claude, 1992
                    Le Marche du couple, 1990
                    Jesus du Montreal, 1989
                    Comment faire l'amour avec un negre sans se fatiguer, 1989
                    Le grand Jour de Michael Tremblay, 1989
                    Dans le Ventre du Dragon, 1989
                    Sortie 234, 1988
                    Les Enfants de la Rue, 1987
Television:     La Femme Nikita, 1997
                    Urgence, 1996
                    Dark Eyes, 1995
                    Million Dollar Babies (mini-series), 1994
                    Blanche, 1993
                    Scoop II, 1993
                    Scoop, 1992
                    Les Filles de Caleb, 1990

Operations/Madeline Birkoff/Walter Section One

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