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Update - #99

Hey All,

So much to do, so little time. Isn't that our group motto by now? Be prepared for a rather long (even for me) post as I've got a lot to report.

Well, let me first say thank you to everyone who got back to me about the monkeys. Your suggestions have been duly noted. And, thank you to everyone who has made a suggestion about the basket contents. I've read all of them here on the board and in my emails. Thank you, one and all.

Yesterday I went to my local Michaels (craft store) and picked up a really nice basket, clear cellophane to wrap it in, gold ribbon and a curly gold bow along with matching straw to go at the base of the basket to decorate it nice. My only concern right now is the size of the basket in relation to the gorilla that Jeanne has graciously stated she'll donate. I need to find out how big that gorilla is and determine if it will fit. If not, I will ask Jeanne to keep her prized gorilla, as I would have a hard time parting with it too, and go with the back-up plan, which is a caged monkey from Kiera. This monkey cage is special, as many from the last Agamemcon might remember, upon hitting the right spot on the cage or monkey, can't remember which, the cage begins to shake and the song "Rescue Me" plays. Both are VERY cute and depending on which fits best into the basket will be sent to Debra.

I also went to Office Depot in the hopes of finding a nice portfolio to hold the business card, brochure, Prey flyers and letter that I wanted to send her. I found something that will hold all of these items and dispaly them very nicely. So, we are partially on our way.

I will, of course, be getting her candy and donuts closer to mail out time; but I wanted to mention the other items being sent to me by members. They include a Prey snowglobe from V!; a malachite necklace with a heart and key in it (this will cover the idea Mich had for sending Debra a key), made by Lori Ann; Jeanne's Prey CD and bumper stickers and prey pencils from Kiera. All great Prey items, don't you agree?

I've also been given the suggestion that we should include Will & Grace items. In other words, a couple items that have to do with Grace. I, unfortunately, don't know enough about her characters' likes or much at all about her, other than the fact she's an interior designer, so can anyone help here? We want to make sure we don't completely leave out W&G after all we are to compliment her on her work on that show. So, does anyone have any suggestions?

Now on to the mail-in campaign:

1. Please concentrate ALL your efforts, at least until April 14, on the mail (namely postcards if possible) to Debra. Put all your letters as well as EMAIL to Sci-Fi on hold for now. Lori Ann knows that this is on hold so you do not need to send her tallys for right now. NOTE FOR LORI ANN: I wanted you to know that I've received numerous compliments on the great job you are doing on these tallys. And when we start back up again with this, I know we can count on you for tallys!

PS. It is okay to mention Tom's Story in your letters to Debra because that was information posted on the internet and is not just a rumor or secret or anything like that. 

2. Please see this blurp from an email I received:

Hi Lee Ann, I dropped by the MB the other night and want to add my applause to you for the job you are doing. Please tell the Preymates that I know some of the newer campaign strategies may seem a little odd but there are incredibly good reasons behind them which cannot be made public at this time. I know this is frustrating for all of us. Please ask people not to send notes to Adam and Vince right now and to concentrate intensely on Debra. Messages to Debra, especially postcards (easily noticed by office staff) are potential "keys" to opening Tom's cage. A raging flood of them (hundreds and hundreds) can help turn the tide. We are getting so very close.

I am withholding the sender's name for right now due to the sensitive nature of our ongoing campaign, but please know it's not a preymaker or network person. But, this person is held in very high regard within our group.

3. If you can send more postcards than letters that would be great. You can use different pictures on the front, be creative, put a key on the front with a unique statement under that picture. And, send only what you can afford. Please also remember to send your tally numbers to me at
4. In line with the mail-in campaign, please hold off on letters to Adam, Vincent or any of the other cast. If the time comes when it looks like we should write to them, I will let you know. If you would like to mail to other networks about the possibility of Tom's Story becoming a reality with some network, which we hope is theirs (ie the network you write to), please do so ONLY if you can spare the postage. I know that most of us have to watch our budgets so concentrate on Debra and only do this if you can.

Here are the tally numbers for Debra's mail-in campaign as of the last email I received today:

Letters - 28 Postcards - 47

Please, please, if you have sent any letters or postcards since March 17, please let me know how many. For those who have emailed me, if you've sent any more beyond what you've already told me, please let me know. We need to send much, much more than this to get noticed. Granted the basket will help, but we need to flood her with mail. I know we can do this so do what you can and email as many prey friends as you can and ask them to get involved.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone about the conventions coming up here in North America. If you plan to attend, great! If you're undecided, please visit the following sites and see if they appeal to you:

Toronto Trek: (Toronto, of course - July 5 to 7)

World Con: (San Jose, California - August 29 to September 2)

Comic Con: (San Diego, California - August 1 to 4)

You can post here if you plan to attend any of these and work with the other members who are going to set up tables or whatever you can create. Have fun and post here if you need anything at all for the cons.

Okay, that's it for now. Enjoy the Oscars tonight, that is if you plan to watch. Or, just have a great day. Email me if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns. Thanks!

Lee Ann and Barb