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Update - #105
Mon, May 20, 2002
Dear Fellow Preymates,

Our new mail-in campaign to The Hollywood Reporter, Daily Variety and Entertainment Weekly, three of the most well-known entertainment magazines, read by the powers that be and nearly anyone involved in the entertainment industry, started this past Friday (May 17) and will continue until June 30.  In the beginning, I thought our mentioning the script written by Prey Creator Bill Schmidt in our mailings could possibly hurt the chances of the script being picked up by a network, but I was wrong.  This script is being "shopped around" (as it's called in the industry) to various networks with the hopes of being chosen to become a two-hour tv movie.

Please go ahead and include information in your mailings about the script since it is public knowledge and will lend more credibility to our mailings, putting us slightly apart from any other tv group who may be campaigning at this time.  If you've already completed some letters, et al, don't worry, just add this information in the ones you do from here on out.

If you have any questions or concerns about this mail-in campaign, please contact me.


Lee Ann