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Update - #106
Friday, May 31, 2002 
Dear Preymates,

The following is a collection of issues that have been discussed on the message board this week and some reminders of issues covered in my previous update:

1.  I finally took a look at, a site that Genny Franklin told me about a few weeks ago, but it took a friendly (hint! hint!) nudge from Judy Kelly to get me in gear (sorry Genny, laziness is my strong suit sometimes!?!). You have to register at this site, but it's free. You can go to: {} to vote on the show(s) you'd like to get or see on DVD.

Right now the top vote getter is Roswell. Prey currently has 31 votes (as of today, May 31), so head over there, register and make your vote count. By doing this, it doesn't guarantee we'll get Prey on DVD, but it will get noticed, as I understand this site is read by the "studios all the time".

I've also gone to the liberty of placing links to at least 16 Prey sites so far (the same number of links that Roswell has and I'd like to see us surpass them, ok?). If you've got a Prey site and it's not listed there already, please post your link. Cruise around the site until you get the hang of navigation, as it took me a couple times to figure out what to do, but keep in mind I'm not very computer proficient so it may not take some of you much time at all.

Also, please keep me in the loop on how many of you would like to get Prey on DVD as well. I will be visiting this site as often as possible so I will check on the vote tally there, but I'd like to have a head count too.

2.  Are you sending out your mail to the entertainment magazines (The Hollywood Reporter, Daily Variety and Entertainment Weekly), as listed at the top of our message board (and provided to you in one of my weekly updates)? Remember we want those publications to be bombarded with mail, email and faxes not only about our group but also about the script done by Prey Creator William Schmidt. We are so close to possibly getting what we want - a Prey movie sequel - so do what you can. And, make sure you let me know what you send out, ok. Email me at {}.

3.  I received this notification from the Perseus Project folks and it's meant for any Invisbile Man fan who may not be aware of this already (sorry I'm late with this!!!)  Dungeon Dan will be bringing his own topic to discuss at the Friday Night Invisible Man Chat. And you will have to be there to find out what it is!

Come join the insanity in lab 3 at

Friday, May 31st, 6 PM Pacific, 9 PM Eastern!

To enter lab 3, go to

Scroll down to the "Chat Now" button

Click on button and follow instructions to enter room.

Do not close this page after the chat window opens

or Eberts will kick you out of the room.

4.  The membership census is still ongoing and will continue to be ongoing.  If you haven’t already done so, please contact me by private email only.  The information requested is:

Your posting name (the name you go by online)

Your real name

Your snail mail address

Your email address

Please let me know what information should be kept confidential and it will remain as that.  The above will be kept in official campaign records only and is not shared in any way without your permission.

5.  What You Have To Say About Prey – This was the question I posed in the interim between the Debra mail-in and the current mail-in.  I asked members to submit a short paragraph, about 3 to 4 sentences, acting as the newspaper reporter writing about Prey.  The statements made in these paragraphs will eventually be used in press releases so please provide your name and location should you so choose.  This is just for fun and is not required, but it would be great to read what you have to say about Prey.  There is no deadline on submission.

6.  Please don't forget to contact me about the Prey Merchandise I mentioned in my previous update.  I'd really like to know what you think about getting a Prey mug, Prey t-shirt or if you want info on the special Prey "stuff". To email me, just click on my name below this update.

7.  Are you planning a summer vacation?  Why not go to a sci-fi convention and represent Prey.  The convention information was provided in my previous update so please check out the sites listed there and let me know if you'll be attending.  The conventions are a lot of fun and it's great to meet fellow preymates.

Have a great weekend!

Lee Ann