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Update - #89

Date: Sunday, April 29, 2001

Okay, I promise this is the last post for today and then I'll be good for awhile. Really, I promise?! 

I wanted to incorporate all the "little" stuff into one general post with the hopes that you'll at least read it and respond where, when and if necessary. Thanks! 

Here goes: 

1) Donation Reminder! Our campaign will have a full-page advertisement in the Sci-Fi Channel magazine in June, which is suppose to hit the newsstands in May (I'm not sure of the exact date, though). Our "Queen" of Prey came out of retirement to fund this expensive ad, and we need to reimburse her to the best of our ability. The ad cost approximately $1,500.00 and donations are being accepted between now and the Agamemcon in June. Please dig as deep as you can and send your donation to Sue H. Please email her at for snail mail info. If you are attending the con in June, you can make your donation to Sue at that time. We really want to stress how important it is to donate. Our "Queen" helped us last year undetake another ad and we were successful in paying her back and we need to do the same this year. So, please help, thanks! 

2) Agamemcon - Mentioning this con leads me to our repeated request. It is important we have a good showing of Prey fans at this con, especially given the massive write-in campaign we just launched. Please consider attending this con from June 8 to 10. Barb and I know those of you on the East Coast, in Canada or overseas cannot come due to real life and/or money issues (or whatever the case might be), but we'd love to see as many of you there as possibe. Those of you on the West Coast, PLEASE try to make it at least for Saturday and Sunday. It is a little easier for us because the distance isn't as much to travel so...please everyone think about this. We need a good attendance and there will be lots of great things to do before, during and after the con. If you want more info about the con, please see the link shown in the main table on the first page of our MB. 

3) PREY Music CD - We still have copies left if anyone would like to get one. The music is great and from the reports we've received from those who have gotten their copies, the quality is excellent. This is a cheap "buy" gang. The total cost is never more than $4.00, depending on postage. So, if you would like a copy, please email me at and I'll get one sent to you. If you're coming to the con, you will get the CD at that time. 

4) Debra Messing pictures - There are still three (3) pictures left (3 x 5 black & white silver embossed autographed) for those who would like to donate $15.00 to the campaign. Just email me at the angelfire address above and arrangements will be made for your picture to be sent to you. If you're coming to the con, again, I'll deliver it to you then. 

5) Membership Census - This is mainly for any new members or members who have yet to respond. I am trying to continue the census started by Mary Ann in order to determine just how many of us there are. The information you provide will be kept confidential if you so desire. Here is what we need from you: 

Your name 
Your posting name (what name you use when you post on the net) 
Your adress 
Your email address 

Again, if you want any of the above withheld, please just say so. Barb nor I would EVER give out information that is to remain confidential. 

6) On-Line Petition - As most of you know, I had created an on-line petition that was closed down earlier in April to coincide with the petition started by Mary Ann on the Sci-Fi Prey BB. I am pleased to announce that we received over 100 signatures on that petition and there are over 105 signatures on the Sci-Fi BB petition. I plan to make a print-out of both these petitions and forward them to the Sci-Fi channel within the time frame of our write-in campaign. 

Ok, that's it. I'm going back to silent mode, but just ask Barb that doesn't last long, so....thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon. 

Lee Ann and Barb