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Update - #90

Date: Monday, May 29, 2001


what is going to happen next, you ask? well, this is it. it may be hard for some of you to swallow, but we are taking a completely different stance with the next phase of our campaign. there's no easy way to say it, so here it goes. we are shooting for 5,000 pieces of mail, directed at warner bros., and only warner bros. we know this sounds like too much. it's a number that our little group probably can only dream about. but what have we been doing regarding a prey sequel for the last 3 years, but dream about it? it's time to make our dreams come true, and try to trust us on this one, IT REALLY IS TIME!! also, we need to start as soon as possible. we know that finances are in bad shape for those headed to the con, and even for folks who aren't. we've just come off the back of an expensive mail campaign, especially for our overseas members, but we are within reach of winning this thing. we really are, and we wouldn't tell you that just to incite you to go out and spend a bundle on postage. it's simply what we need to do. can we do it? we have no doubt. warner bros. thought they could forget about us 3 years ago, and they have quite another thing coming!!! 

kiera, and those of you who have been working on "heart" projects, can you tell us what the status is? if you've already posted, please indulge us and tell us again. neither one of us has had a chance to read all of the new posts. lee ann is safe and sound back in L.A., and i've been trying to fill her in, but feel there may be some things that i've missed. so let us know what's going on, ok? 

guys, don't get tired, don't get frustrated, don't give up. if ever there was a time to be fired up and positive, it's now. we can definitely do this, and the fact is, we must. 


since this part of the campaign is geared to make as big an impression as possible, we want to hit them with as many "hearts" as possible, at one time. let's give it 2 weeks from the date we start. if it becomes obvious that we just can't do it in that time, we'll extend it a little. what we want is a huge pile of mail on someone's desk everyday. we want to be noticed quickly, and the best way is to have big numbers everyday. it's different when we're dealing with scifi. they're used to small, but steady and persistent mail in campaigns, since a lot of the shows they get mail about, are shows like prey, that fans would like to see resurrected. warner bros. is going to require a bigger philosophy. we realize that the con is going to fall in the middle of things, but there's no reason why we can't be mailing them from the con. in fact, mailing those hearts will remind us why we're there to begin with. 

also, we encourage you to include little hearts in some of your envelopes, that will fall out when the envelope is opened. it's not practical to do it for every envelope you send, not to mention a pain for the recipient. if you do it in, say, 1 or 2 of every 10 you send, it should be enough to keep them guessing. 

most of you who have posted about our next endeavor have been positive, and lee ann and i really appreciate that. we can't wait to sit down with those of you who will be attending the con, and really talk about all of the things that are going on. don't worry, you won't miss out if you're not there, we promise. reports of each days happenings will be posted for your enjoyment. 

Please send your letters to this address:

Peter Roth
Warner Brothers Television
300 Television Plaza
Burbank, CA 91505


Kiera’s suggestions: Sayings for the Hearts...

The Key to the Cage is in Our Hearts! 
Have a Heart, Bring Back PREY! 
Our Hearts are in Your Hands…Bring Back Prey! 
You hold the key to the cage, and to our hearts. Preying for a sequel. 

Openmind’s heart ideas:

1. tiny heart erasers 
2. foil cardboard hearts (links to make a banner that are sold separately with letters and numbers)
3. stickers
4. confettie
5. candy hearts (chocolate)
6. heart shaped balloons (the kind that come packaged as party balloons - not mylar.) 
7. pencils with hearts 
8. little plastic hearts for kiddie jewelry or felt hearts for other crafts.

Try your local party stores for heart shaped confetti to tuck into envelopes and card/stationary stores for stickers to plaster all over envlopes, postcards, notes, lollipops, etc. 

The American sites listed below give you an idea of the confetti for inside envelopes. 

Lee Ann and Barb