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Update - #91

Date: Sunday, June 17, 2001

Hello All: 

We wanted to get information out to all of you concerning the subjects discussed at the post-con meeting last weekend. So without further ado here goes: 

1. The issue with Hypermart is first and foremost in all our minds given the fact we can only post pictures by links, etc. Jeanne has, fortunately, been reimbursed from campaign funds for the expense she incurred during our recent down time; but, it was the concensus of those in the meeting that we upgrade the site to provide as much memory as possible to avoid any further problems. What will be needed is information from Jeanne as to the additional expense to do this? Once that is determined we can ask for donations from all members, giving what each person can give, of course. 

2. According to Karen aka shadowman the Sci-Fi Channel mag ad that our Queen of Prey was willing to pay for in return for reimbursement by the membership was to appear in the June issue. However, after reviewing the June issue during the convention weekend the ad couldn't be found. Karen is looking into this issue right now and will be providing us with an update. At this point in time we don't want to jump to conclusions, but if necessary we will determine if a refund can be received. We will get back to all of you as soon as possible once we can determine what happened. 

3. THE HEART CAMPAIGN IS STILL ONGOING! Please remember the postcards can be found at the links at the top of the message board. We really want to meet our goal of 5,000 to the WB. If you haven't done so, please create the postcards from that link, use any type of heart you can find (confetti, drawings, etc. - be creative) and mail, mail, mail. We saw the idea posted by our new member Chris about flowers, then the response posted by Kiera for balloons. In the beginning of this campaign, Barb had mentioned about doing just this so we will look into what can be done since we are in Burbank and get back to everyone soon. The deadline for this campaign will be at the end of this week. Please watch for updates from Barb, though. 

4. Mary Willing Prey recommended a money making option for our campaign during the convention, which was greeted with much enthusiasm by the attendees. The company - Christel Illusions - where one of Mary's friends provides the graphics, does specialized fine art glass etching and stained glass on the following: goblets, chalices, wine glasses, classic glass coffee cups, tankards, mariner's mugs, champagne classes - tulips, flutes and teardrops - pitchers, beakers and shot glasses. The colors for these are black, clear, blue and green. The concensus is to get the goblets with the tattoo as the graphic. 

Diane S. and CJ presented a great idea to us via private email. Rather than use the actual squares on the tattoo, we can replace them with starbursts with a comet flying underneath and the words "Our Time Will Come" below. This is to save ourselves trouble with any copyright issues. Now the wording may or may not work on the goblets, but the design definitely will. Can someone scan the booklet from Christel Illusions so everyone can see the goblets? We'd appreciate it as we don't have a scanner. Give us your feedback on this potential money making endeavor, too. Our email is further down in this post. 

5. With this idea stated, it brings up the Cafe Press store option brought to our attention awhile back by an anonymous member, which was, unfortunately, put on the back burner because of copyright issues. We may have found a way around this, but still provide a Prey-inspired theme. The tattoo design and wording stated above will be used as well as the terrific graphic that was recently posted by Rjupiter, who has given us consent to use it on the items that can be included in the store, which include the following: 

T-shirts in white and gray; Long sleeve T-shirts in white; Sweatshirts in gray; Baby Doll shirts in white; 11 oz. and 15 oz. coffee mugs and mousepads 

Each item in our store has a base price set forth by Cafe Press, we add what we want to make as a profit and open the store, receiving a commission on the 15th of every month - money that will go directly into the Prey campaign fund. CJ has consented to being the interim store owner once we know the opinions of the membership so please let us know what you think and we will go from there. 

6. Unicorn Press has finally published the first Prey fanzine, with copies being available at the convention. There are five advanced copies still available if anyone would like to order one. You can contact us at if you'd like to get one. The cost is $11.00 each and all money is sent back to Unicorn Press as our group cannot make money from a copyrighted series. There is some additional good news where Unicorn Press is concerned. They have consented to publishing the various anthologies put together by our writers; however, we need permission from each writer involved before proceeding. Again, please contact us at the email above if you are willing to have your anthology story submitted to Unicorn Press for publication. One last note, Kiera has submitted one of her stories and is working with Unicorn Press to get published. We're sure she will keep us up-to-date on this. 

7. Since there seems to be many newbies appearing on our board thanks to the chain reactions and the convention, we wanted to take a head count, so to speak, of who does the tape copying for newbies. We know that Karen and Valerie do as well as DfoA and Celine; however, we want to make sure we aren't missing anyone. We'd like to make sure that we have each region covered so that when a newbie posts about wanting tapes that any of us can respond stating to, for example, contact Celine if they live in Canada. Please get back to us so we can confirm who can volunteer to do this. We will also make sure that when Jill coordinates elections in September that we have a more in depth listing for regions of tape copiers so that is more concrete. 

8. Next annual convention: As most of you know, the Agamemcon that has been our mini-con location for the last 3 or 4 years, is no more. The WorldCon 2002 to be held in San Jose, CA was mentioned as the possible location for us next year while we determine the new LA and/or Burbank locale convention that we can make as our "annual" convention for 2003 and the years beyond. Please visit the following site, if you haven't done so already, and let us know what you think. We have heard back from some of you, but we want to get a full concensus of the group to make sure this is the best location for us.
Please make note this will be a little more costly for all of us because WorldCon is HUGE. So, log onto the link and give us your thoughts. SIDE NOTE: We, along with Sue H., will be going to San Diego for the Comic Con next month - while many are attending the Toronto Trek - to see what that con is all about and will report back to you on what we learn. We are looking forward to this and hopefully by attending this convention it will give us a small glimpse into what WorldCon will be like. 

9. Prey Music - All 20 copies of the original CD copy have been sold, HOWEVER, if anyone out there would like to get a copy, please email us and we will work something out for you. Diane S. was kind enough to volunteer to make copies for those convention attendees who wanted CD copies so we are sure she can help with this. Let us know, ok? 

10. Membership Census: This has been ongoing since Mary Ann was campaign coordinator. Anyone who hasn't done so already or all newbies, please email us at with the following: 

Your Name 
Your Screen Name (what you go by on the internet) 
Your Address 
Your Email Address 

If you want any of the above withheld, please let us know and it will remain confidential. By doing this census it helps us get a better perspective of where the Prey For Us members live and how to reach you if necessary. 

Okay, that should be it everybody. Enough already you're probably saying. Please get back to us on your thoughts as we don't like to make decisions without hearing back from you. Thanks! 

Lee Ann and Barb