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Update - #92

Friday, August 3, 2001 

Well, it's time to get started again. And with the recent announcement by SciFi that Adam is going to appear in an episode of Iman, in a similiar situation as to what Prey left him in, the timing just couldn't be better. Lee Ann and I strongly feel that we should launch a campaign similiar to the last one. Hit both SciFi and Warner Bros. as hard as we can. We have reason to believe that we were fairly successful last time, so this seems to be the way to go. We feel we should go back to our "Get Tom out of the Cage" approach, in keeping with the theme of the Iman episode. So, we can use our old posters, with a few modifications to bring them up-to-date. There is no reason that we can't use our heart posters or post cards as well. It's all about numbers, so what we have is what we should use. AS ALWAYS, OUR OVERSEAS MEMBERS ARE GOLD, AND WE REALLY NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION!! We want to get started with this campaign within the next couple of weeks, and hopefully once the September 21st episode has aired, we will be able to hook quite a few Iman fans to join with us. This is what we envision, and as always, your input is crucial. We would like to get started no later than August 15th, which would give everyone a chance to do a little penny pinching, and to make lots of copies of posters, etc. 

The second issue we need to address is what we will should do about our next con. Peepers has gone to some effort to clue us in on Toronto Trek, and we have several members who are sold on World Con. We need a vote here guys. Both cons seem that they would be good for us; but Lee Ann, Sue H. and I saw first hand from Comic Con, how hard it is for a little fish to make a big splash in a pond that's more like an ocean. Don't misunderstand, Comic Con was incredible (our report on that will be forthcoming)!! You just can't imagine the talent and size of the panels. There is almost nothing that you can imagine that isn't represented there, and the dealers room is more like the dealers football field. Just incredible!!! But, there were few fan tables, and they were located in a far corner of the convention center, sparsely visited. This is not to say that it would be the same at any large convention we attended, but Toronto Trek might be just in between enough to get us out of the rut of Agamemcon, and move us up one rung on the ladder. We need to know what you guys think, so email us privately at, or to our private email addresses, with your opinion. This needs to be decided SOON (specifically to help those overseas as well as those members who may need extra time to raise funds in order to attend), so cast your vote as soon as possible! We are soliciting votes for these 2 cons because they are the main ones for which you have expressed interest. 

Lee Ann and Barb