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Update - #93

Date: Monday, August 13, 2001 

Well here we are, ready to start another phase of our campaign. As we've been discussing, we're going to try to use our "Get Tom out of the cage" approach again, to fit in with the theme of the September 21st episode of Iman. We don't know that Adam will be rescued from a cage, but from what SciFi has divulged, he will be found in a similar situation. We've heard a rumor that Adam's episode will include a HUGE explosion, and a fight scene. Not that that's anything unusual for an Iman episode. Heck, those things happened often enough in an episode of Prey. Just a little teaser for ya. Anyway, on we go. 

We want to target both SciFi and Warners again. However, especially for our overseas fans, if you feel you cannot successfully hit both targets, please concentrate on SciFi. It has filtered down that Warners is amazed at the the longevity and persistency of our campaign, and we're hoping that their notice of that, along with the publicity that went along with the release of information from SciFi about Adam's guest appearance, will make them take note of us once again. Also, Bill has relayed information (via the wonderful Sloan) that he accepted a position as a consultant for Special Unit 2's second season. The episode that will include his name in the credits will air third in the new season, and is entitled The Cham. It is about a human/chameleon hybrid creature. Bill says that he was hired BECAUSE of Prey and it's fan base. Also, Bill mentioned to Sloan that he recently ran into the actress who played Mia in Hungry for Survival, and that she mentioned to him that she still keeps in touch with Frankie Faison, and he is doing well. Could the timing of all this be fate? 

Anyway, down to brass tacks. Starting Wednesday, mail your little hearts out. It is important that the posters that we send out do not make it sound like we're going to be satisfied by the Iman episode. While showing our appreciation, we must convey, as nicely as possible, that we STILL WANT OUR MOVIE, AND/OR A RENEWAL OF THE SERIES. We don't want the powers that be to think that we're going to sit back and be happy now. We want more, and the Iman episode is the ice cream on the cake, it's not the whipped cream and the cherry!!! Once again, volume is important, especially from our overseas fans. Just do what you can, and when you've done that, dig down and see if you can do a little more. We are so close guys, so very, very close. Let's get behind this latest effort, and continue to make the suits heads spin. They know who we are, they really do. Let's not let them forget. So, are we ready?

Lee Ann and Barb