HTML just what is it? |
Having done a search for HTML I
found there were numerous sites
on the Internet. Try one of these NCSA's A beginners guid to HTML
, HTML An Interactive
Tutorial for Beginners or How to Create a Web Page. All of these are good sites
that help to give you a basic understanding of HTML. I particularly
liked HTML An Interactive Tutorial for Beginners. I was absolutely
thrilled when having done a good few hours of reading up on HTML I
discovered that I could understand and even in a limited way edit HTML! |
Next an HTML editor |
At this point there had been mention of
a HTML Editor on the various sites but I still was not much the wiser.
I did a search, and from the long list of results picked out 1st Page 2000.
They claim to be one of the best HTML Editors available. I down loaded
it from Evrsoft and it was free!
I am happy with 1st Page 2000 so far but as you know I am no expert.
I admit the first time I opened it up I did have a little trouble
working out what to do with it. I opted for easy mode and found the
best place to start seems to be File - New -Default Template. This
Brings up the bare bones of a HTML document. I found on studying it
that I understood, what did what, well enough to at least insert a script
, and so my Computer Quiz page was born. The HTML Editor has a range
of scripts to copy and past into your web pages as well as a HTML tag
reference section (don't worry if this sounds like greek to you, after
visiting one of the sites above and doing a little reading you will
know exactly what I am talking about). |
Time to really get going |
I went onto the Internet
again and searched for someone to host my web site. I had heard that
this too could be done for free. I was able to locate a couple of
sites. I picked
Angelfire a lycos site, purely because I like the name. Another
Lycos site offering free web hosting is Tripod. I can not comment further at this point on Angelfire
as I have not yet up loaded these pages to the Internet at the point of
writing this section. I have found that I am gaining confidence very
quickly and though still no expert feel sure that I will be able to
set up a perfectly acceptable web site. My lovely elephant picture on
my home page is actually a free picture that my page opens a link to,
and there are thousands more on the Angelfire site. |
Going live on the Net |
I eventually decided it was time to get this site on the net, it all seemed to be working ok and if I said so myself wasn't bad for a first attempt. I logged on to Angelfire and found that they had made a home page for me, which I didn't want or need as I had already made my own. I ignored this for the moment and concentrated on uploading my files. This was easier than I expected you just click on upload muliple files, (or something like that) then brows to find the files, once you have found them all (up to ten at a time) click upload and you are done. Now I was ready to check through my site one last time! Oops none of my links between the pages work now what could possibly be wrong. |
Oops I wont do that again |
I discovered my mistake surprisingly quickly, in my ignorance I had given my files names with spaces in them (eg Home Page) when saving them on my computer. When these files were uploaded Anglefire (I assume) filled all the gaps with underscores (eg Home_page), it took me some time to go and add unerscores to all my links between pages so that they would work again. I won't make that mistake again! I then added a feedback button (ready made Angelfire script) and here it is fully functioning and live on the Net.
Now that extra Home Page |
I have decided there must be something I can do about the extra home page. It is the page that will come up if you do a search as lycos sees it as my main page. This is not helpfull as it has no links to my other pages and is totaly different. I have tried to delete it and this did not work. It occured to me today that if I go into edit this page I could turn it into a replica of my existing home page. I highlighted it and clicked on edit only to find that in easy mode only certain things could be changed. I scrolled down to the bottom and discovered the button to change over to expert mode (imagine me in expert mode). I was warned that once I had gone over to expert I would not be able to go back to easy mode and that I would need knowlege of HTML. I switched over in a flash! The next step was so easy it's ridiculous, I copied my home page code, highlighted their home page code and pasted mine over the top. Instant replica! I don't think it is worth changing all my links again, the links from the replica page will all work, but if you click on home page links from the other pages you will actually go to the original home page. As far as I can see that is neither here nor there, but please do let me know (use the feedback button below)if you have any problems while visiting my site with links etc...