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Fiona's I would love to...

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This page is dedicated to all the things I would really like to do. Hopefully they will start turning up on my recent events page one by one. In most cases the only things stopping me are time, money and location of certain activities.

Go Scuba Diving
I hope to learn to scuba dive in the not too distant future. When we were on holiday in Malta recently there were places on every corner where you could sign up to learn to dive. Unfortunately as it was only a, last minute week long, holiday I was not able to take advantage of this opportunity.

As I mention on my Memorable Moments Abseil section I have been bitten by the abseiling bug. I should be able to do something about this at some point in time, but like I said it's all about time and money.

Get A Degree
I have taken the first step towards this by signing up with the Open University for T171 You Your Computer and the Net. It will take me at least 10 years to gain a degree studying part time continuously if I am able to afford it and can keep myself motivated. So this is definitely a long term goal.

Own a Smart Car
I could tell you it's because they are so economical, as I am normally alone on most trips I make (to and from work etc...). I could tell you it's because they are 80% recyclable and therefore good for the environment. I could tell you all sorts of things but in all honesty I just want one!

get this gear!

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Recent Happenings | A bit of fun | Computer Quiz | Links Page

Copyright Fiona Mc Dowall 2002