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Fiona's Family

Home Page How I got started Memorable Moments I would love to... Recent Happenings A bit of fun Computer Quiz Links Page

Meet the Family Joe my husband of 18 years, Nick my son and Cassandra my daughter.

My Husband Joe

Joe was born in Doncaster and his parents emigrated to South Africa when he was eight. Soon after they moved on to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where we met some years later. He was an apprentice electrician but found he had to change careers when we emigrated to South Africa in January 1983. He first found work as a Bar man in an hotel, then went on to become a Train Driver. He is now a Security Officer as having returned to England in May 1998 he found he had to change careers yet again!

He loves watching Rugby, Cricket and of course Football (especially International matches). Joe is also interested in the Internet and spends many hours surfing and looking for free down loads. Visit the links page for links to some of Joe's favorite sites.

Joe got a video camera for Christmas so watch out for video clips in the future (if we can work out between us how to get the clips from the camera to the web site!)


My Son Nick

Nick was born in Middleburg South Africa on 6th of April 1983 not long after we emigrated. He was fluent in Africans and played cricket and rugby at Egerton Primary School then went on to Ladysmith High School , Ladysmith(where he grew up), South Africa. He was a cub scout and also did well in his school work. He was 15 when we moved back to England so it took him a little while to settle.

He finished his schooling at the North School in Ashford, Kent. He took a Maths "A" level and a AVCE in Information Technology at South Kent College. He has been working for a Market Research company in the evenings and in November 2001 had enough money to buy himself a Fiat Panda. He played cricket for Old stations Cricket Club, and watches a lot of sport with his dad. Nick spends hours on end on the Internet in chat rooms and entering competitions. Nick's favorite sites are also on the Links Page.

Nick spends a great deal of time listening to music Rock mostly, but enjoys a wide range of other music as well.


My Daughter Cassandra

Cassandra was born in Empangeni South Africa on the 27th of December 1984. She was a drum majorette in Egerton Junior School and her team qualified to go to the Nationals. She had to work hard to gain average marks in school, but showed determination and tenacity from a young age. Cassandra was 13 when we moved to England and seemed to take it in her stride. She was quite at home within weeks rather than months.

Cassandra (Cat to her friends) also finished her schooling at the North School in Ashford, Kent and did an Art and Design GNVQ at South Kent College. At the age of 17 she was the least frequent visitor to our house, and was sometimes greeted by the comment "what are you doing here?" when other members of the family come upon her unexpectedly.

Cassandra likes House and Garage music(so Nick tells me I wouldn't be able to distinguish one from the other) which she plays at full volume on the rare occasions she is home.


get this gear!

Home Page How I got started Memorable Moments I would love to...
Recent Happenings A bit of fun Computer Quiz Links Page

Copyright Fiona Mc Dowall 2002
Last updated 21 April 2003