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Fiona's Memorable Moments

Home Page How I got started My Family I would love to... Recent Happenings A bit of fun Computer Quiz Links Page

I have not put every memorable moment in my life on this page just the major ones and a great experience so enjoy my pictures.

My Wedding Day

Nick and Cassandra are born
Mom Joe and I with NickJoe with Nick and Cassandra the new addition

I took part in this sponsored abseil to raise money for Kent Association for the blind. I enjoyed it so much I would love to go abseiling for pleasure but have not yet managed to organize it. None of my family has shown any interest in joining me in this pastime, so I don't think I would be very popular if I booked an adventure holiday for the next family get away!

get this gear!

Home Page | How I got started | My Family | I would love to...
Recent Happenings | A bit of fun | Computer Quiz | Links Page

Copyright Fiona Mc Dowall 2002