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Fiona's Recent Happenings

Home Page How I got started My Family Memorable Moments I would love to... A bit of fun Computer Quiz Links Page

On this page you will find updates of events in my family's lives and links to News sites we frequent.

News linksRecent Events

Kent Online

The Natal Witness

Rainbow Nation News

Malta - Joe Cassandra and I had a last minute holiday in Malta at the beginning of November. I have had some photo's developed but can't seem to find them right at the moment. The sea was beautiful and we did manage to go swimming at one of the few sandy beaches. We sailed round Malta which I can't really recommend as the coastline is just cliffs for three quarters of the way, so it all looks much the same, besides which as the sea was pretty rough (for Malta anyway ) I must admit I felt a little queasy.

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Home Page | How I got started | My Family | Memorable Moments
I would love to... | A bit of fun | Computer Quiz | Links Page

Copyright Fiona Mc Dowall 2002