Hurst Ancestry Photo Gallery

Bernhard Benjamin Hurst Bernhard Benjamin Hurst
Believed to be wedding photo of Bernard Benjamin Hurst and Edith Reed. They were married on March 10, 1896 in Burton, Wisconsin.
Photograph owned by Sue Keck
Bernhard Hurst      Bernhard & Edith Hurst     

Edith & Kids Edith,Grace, Bena & Art Hurst
Photo of Edith Hurst and her children Grace, Verbena and Arthur Hurst. Photo taken approximately 1908-1909.
Photograph owned by Charlie Laugesen

Hurst Generations Hurst Generations
Photo of some of the Edith Hurst, Bena and Grace and some of their children.
Original Photograph owned by Lucy Laugesen

Civil War Reunion Photo Civil War Reunion
This photo appeared in the Potosi-Tennyson News Section in Dec 1974. The photo features Bernard Hurst who is the second man kneeling from the left. Bernard served in the Civil war in Co. C. 6th regiment in the Wisconsin infantry. Enlistment: Oct 29, 1864, Mustered out: July 14, 1965.
Original Photograph owned by Lucy Laugesen

Harriet Burrows Harriet Burrows
This is Bernard Hurst's first wife. Bernard and Harriet were married on July 03, 1858 and divorced in 1889. Harriet was born on Aug 4, 1838 and died on Aug 22, 1921. Date of photo unknown.
Photograph owned by Linda Reed

Matilda Hurst Matilda Allison Hurst
This is Bernard Hurst's sister. Back of photo reads: "Matildia Allison Ben Hurst sister. Our Dad's sister". This would have been written by Grace Hurst/Laugesen, daughter of Ben Hurst. Janet mentioned this is said to be the only photograph ever taken of this woman.
Photograph owned by Janet Hess

Adolph Hurst? Possible Adolph or Ben Hurst Photo
This photograph is still unconfirmed. It may be Adolph Hurst and one of two wives, either Magdelana or Mareyanna and some of their chldren. Another possibility is that it might be Urias Reed and his children.
Finally it might even be Ben Hurst and Harriet Burrows. Click on back of photo to view reverse side. Photo courtesy of Lucy Laugesen and Janet Hess.

Back of Unknown Photo     

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