Lost Leaves Photo Gallery
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The lost leaves gallery contains many photographs which have no name.
These photographs were the property of my Great Grandmother, Rose Caspers / Dolphin and continue to be handed down.   I think many of these are Dolphins, caspers, Brinkmanns or possibly Schallenbergers.    Some may just be friends or neighbors from years gone by.    Most of these folks probably lived in Grant county.   If you recognize any photograph or individual, please email me.
Thank You.

Lost Leaves Gallery
Click on individual pictures or sub titles to view photos in the Lost Leaves Gallery.

Unknowns Unknown Men and Women
This cluster of photos are grouped together because of their similar sizes and frame. They appeared to have been taken at the same studio and time. These individuals could be siblings. The first two (unknown1 and unknown2) are the same man. The woman could be a wife or sister. A next man (unknown4) man may be a brother as could the last man with the cigar (unknown5). In my opinion the woman in unknown3, and the man in unknown4 are siblings. Very similar facial characteristics.
Photographs owned by David Keck

Unknown man      Unknown woman      Unknown man      Unknown man     

Unknowns Unknown Possible Brothers?
These two men resemble one another somewhat - perhaps are brothers?
Photograph owned by David Keck

Unknowns Unknown Men
This cluster of photos are grouped together because the first 3 photographs has one man who appears to be in all 3 photographs (photo7/8/9). Photos 7 and 10, may also have another man which is one and the same.
Photographs owned by David Keck
Unknown man      Unknown woman      Unknown man     

Unknowns Unknown woman
Photo taken at Brooken's Photograph, Bloomington, WIS.
Photograph owned by David Keck

Unknowns Unknown man
Photo taken at Watton Studio, Lancaster, WIS.
Photograph owned by David Keck

Unknowns Old Tin TYPE Of Man
This old tin type has dimensions of a little larger than 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches. My thought is this is possibly a Dolphin Ancestor, but like most of these am only guessing.
Photograph owned by David Keck

Unknowns The W.B.Van De Wall Collection
These photos were both taken at the W.B. Van De Wall studio at Lancaster, WIS. Couple observations... First these photos are from the same studio the photograph I have of Wilhelmina Brinkmann / Caspers. I kind of thought the unknown woman in this photograph, somewhat resembers a Brinkmann. Perhaps it is a sister of Wilhelmina? As for the photo of the 4 men. The man standing on the left, somewhat resembles Peter Caspers, husband of Wilhelmina. It makes some sense that Peter may have been photographed at the same gallery as Wilhelmina. The timeframe is logical for the Photo gallery being in existance, and the age of Wilhelmina's photo would match the approximate age of Peter if this were him in this photograph.
Photograph owned by David Keck
Peter Caspers? and others     

Unknowns Frank's Family and Place
This post card had the following written on it: "This is part of Franks folks there are still 4 boys that isn't on this and 4 girls. Frank is driving and I suppose you can tell me this was taken 2 years ago out on the farm in the winter time".
Although not confirmed, I think there is a strong possibility this is Joe & Mary Pink, with Frank Pink driving. There were many children in the Pink family. By my count, the Pinks had 6 boys and 4 girls which was a large family. It's possible Frank was in reference to Frank Pink.
Photograph owned by David Keck

Unknowns Unknown friends
This post card had the following Addressed to: Miss Rosie caspers, cassville, WIS. R.T.D. #2
It reads: Well Rose, I hope you did not get sick on that ice cream - Your Friend Carl.
Some observations: back row -left most man looks a little like man on leftside in Unknown6 photo. But not sure it's him. This man and second from right standing looks like they could be brothers. Also, man on the left bottom row looks somewhat like Herman Alf. If any one knows who Herman Alf is, please email. Also note - addressed to Rosie Caspers, not Rosie Dolphin. Perhaps a photo from an old boyfriend?
Photograph owned by David Keck

Unknowns Blank Postcards
Both of these post cards were blank on back without comments. However, they were at one time the property of Rose Caspers.
Photograph owned by David Keck
Unknown People     

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