Turner Ancestry Photo Gallery

Harlie & Colleen Harlie & Colleen Wedding Photo
Harlie & Colleen were married on Jan 20, 1944 at Langley Field, Virginia. Harlie was born on Aug 27, 1924. Colleen "Dolphin" Turner was born March 3, 1926.
Harlie grew up in Burton, Wis, and served in the Air Corps during WWII. Colleen grew up in Cassville, WI. They had two children.
Photograph owned by David Keck

Glenn & Bena Turner Glenn & Bena Turner
These are actually two seperate photo's combined for web display. Both photos are believed to have been taken at the time of Glenn and Bena's Wedding around 1921. Glenn Turner and Verbena Hurst were married on Sept 21, 1921. They had 4 children.
Photograph owned by David Keck

Bena & Grace Bena & Grace Hurst
Bena Hurst/Turner, my great grandmother as a baby, and Grace Hurst/Laugesen, her sister as a todler.
Photograph owned by Lucy Laugesen

Turners as youths Turner Youth Watermelon Feed
Turner children enjoying watermelon on a summer day in Burton, Wis. Approximately 1906.
Original Photograph owned by Doris Turner

Turner Woman Turner woman
Photo taken at Glenn Turner's place which was a farm on a hill overlooking Burton, WI
Photograph owned by David Keck

George & Elizabeth Turner George & Elizabeth Turner
Possible wedding picture taken approximately 1883. George & Elizabeth were married on Nov 7, 1883.
Photo courtesy of Joyce Esser

George Turner Family George Turner Family
Family photo of George & Elizabeth "Roschi" Turner with 3 of their children. Left to right for children are, Arthur, Ida and Clara. Picture thought to be taken around 1895.
Photograph owned by Charlie Laugesen

George Turner George Turner
Photo of George Turner as an older man standing in filed around Burton, WI. Year of picture unknown.
Photograph owned by Charlie Laugesen

Turner Tribute Turner Tribute
In loving remembrance of George Thomas Turner. This was used at the wake of George Thomas Turner. In part it states:
Our Dear Father George Turner Born Sept 7, 1859 Died May 30, 1923 Age 64 yrs, 8 mos, 23 D. Photograph courtesy of Joyce Esser & Charlie Laugesen

Turner Reunion Turner Reunion
Photo of Glenn Turner's siblings and mother taken in Cassville, WI at Cassville Park.
Photograph courtesy of Charlie Laugesen

Madison Turner Madison Turner & Ann Reed
Madison Turner was born July 24, 1828 and died June 11, 1912. Madison is pictured here with his second wife Ann Reed. Madison's first wife was Elizabeth Reed. Both wives are the duaghter of Ben Reed and Elizabeth Reel.
Madison Turner served as a private in Company A, 6th Infantry during the civil war. Photograph courtesy of Linda Appenzeller

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